Donate Sohail for his Bilateral Orchidopexy

Donate Sohail for his Bilateral Orchidopexy

100% Complete (success)
$ 385.29 Required
$ 385.29 Raised
0 Remaining

Sohail Ahmed's Story

Your little support can create a lasting impact in the life of this 11 years old boy

Sohail is a born patient of undescended testis. He was diagnosed with this congenital disease when he was only one month old. His parents ignored it due to lack of awareness. When Sohail was 9 months old, he underwent operation for hernia at a local hospital.

He is now 11 years old boy who aspires to become something one day so that his parents may feel proud of him. He has one younger sister and a little brother. All of them are studying in same school. These days, Sohail’s health is not allowing him to perform his activities as usual. Due to his undescended testis, he feels severe pain which stops him from doing any kind of activity. His father took him to a doctor who advised surgery for Sohail’s abnormality otherwise it can affect his overall health.

Sohail’s father contacted local hospitals again but they are refusing to treat him free of cost. They don’t have enough money to pay for surgical expenses themselves. They all live in one room in a small house where two other families are also residing. Sohail’s father works as a labourer and earns only 500 rupees a day. In such meager income, he has to pay school fees of his children and also bear other household expenses.

Luckily, Sohail is now registered with Transparent Hands and is scheduled to undergo surgery in a few days at Akram Medical Complex. This poor boy needs your immense support in funding for his surgery. You don’t need to donate a big sum of money; even one penny can make a difference.

We request you to please give your charity for his surgery so that he can be pain free!

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 212.53

 Zigron Inc

Donated: $ 172.76

Sohail Ahmed's Story

Sohail Ahmed 11 years old boy was suffering from undescended testis on both sides. His parents were concerned about this since his birth. He was advised surgery to correct their position and fix them. His surgery was done in Akram Medical Complex on 19-04-18 by Dr. Naveed Haider. His bilateral Orchidopexy was done and missing testicles were fixed into his scrotum. He stayed for one day post-operatively and was discharged in satisfactory condition.

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