Support Zubair’s struggle against the piles!

Support Zubair’s struggle against the piles!

100% Complete (success)
$ 325.16 Required
$ 325.16 Raised
0 Remaining

Muhammad Zubair Bhatti's Story

People suffering from pills are numerous in our country and this disease drains you gradually. Muhammad Zubair Bhatti is a victim of piles, which emerged 20 years ago. The symptoms of piles started appearing 10 years ago and have recently reached to an unbearable extent. Muhammad Zubair feels continuous itching and pain around the rectal area because of the presence of lumps. At times, Zubairs’s eyes also turn red and he loses his appetite because of the constant pain. Muhammad Zubair wants to have these lumps removed as soon as possible, but the treatment suggested is too expensive for him to pay for his own. Muhammad Zubair Bhatti is a private security guard. He earns 10,000 PKR monthly which is barely enough to provide for his wife and five children. All children go to school and their education fees are also managed by him. Zubair has been struggling against piles for nearly 10 years now. He is unable to focus more on his job and the continuous itching has become unbearable for him. Zubair cannot afford for a treatment for piles, which is why he has turned to Transparent Hands for help. Support Zubair for his surgery.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 325.16

Muhammad Zubair Bhatti's Story

A poor security guard, Muhammad Zubair Bhatti, who was suffering from Piles from past 10 years, came to Transparent Hands and told his story. Transparent Hands with the help of donors around the globe made it possible to get him out permanently from his miserable pain. His piles surgery was held on 29th September, 2014 by Dr. Fawad. After one day’s bed rest, he was discharged from hospital to live his life better than ever. Now he is completely free from his pain and back to his work.

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