Transparent Hands Welcomes Faisalabad Chamber of Small Traders & Small Industry (FCSTI) Into Its Network

Transparent Hands Welcomes Faisalabad Chamber of Small Traders & Small Industry (FCSTI) Into Its Network

Faisalabad Chamber of Small Traders & Small Industry (FCSTI) has been active recently in philanthropic activities. They have already been working for the welfare, development, and good health of the workers and labor of the industry. Transparent Hands welcomes FCSTI into a huge network of our partners to help a greater number of helpless and underserved people of Pakistan. 

FCSTI has vowed to be on the frontline to ensure that more and more needy people are served with the help of Transparent Hands. They’ll be providing an enormous amount of donations and support for the cause. They have already pledged to support us with charity and donations in the month of Ramadan to set up several medical camps offering free basic care and treatment to people who aren’t privileged enough to afford it themselves. 

According to the understanding between Transparent Hands and FCSTI, the donations for medical camps in Ramadan will just be a beginning of an unending support and strong partnership. 

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