Free Medical Camp in Village Boko District Swabi KPK | 17 December 2021

Free Medical Camp in Village Boko District Swabi KPK | 17 December 2021

  • 17 Dec 2021
  • Swabi
  • 3913

Transparent Hands in association with Comprehensive Disaster Response Services (CDRS) arranged and managed a free medical and surgical camp at Village Boko, District Swabi, KPK. The aim of arranging this free medical camp was to provide medical assistance to the underprivileged community of the said locality. Our camp team consisted of thirteen members including one supervisor, three doctors (two male and one female), two pharmacists (one male and one female), two female nurses, one photographer, and four crew workers. 

In total, 426 patients were facilitated at the medical camp in village Boko. All COVID SOPs were followed by the camp team. Patients and all other attendees were also asked to wear face masks, maintain social distance, and use hand sanitizers. Numerous families-primarily women and children from the said locality were present at the camp for their check-ups. Free medicines along with the testing facilities for blood sugar levels and blood pressure were provided to the patients as well. 

Most of the patients examined by the doctors suffered from chest infections, flu, fever, joint pains, general weakness, and various types of skin and stomach infections. Free, appropriate medication was provided to patients diagnosed with the above-mentioned problems. Only one patient in this camp was advised to undergo a surgical procedure. For this purpose, she was registered with Transparent Hands. She will be treated at one of the panel hospitals in the said vicinity very soon. 

Via this Camp, Transparent Hands has impacted the lives of 426 patients in a positive manner. Team Transparent Hands looks forward to organizing such camps where we can be of service to the impoverished communities in Pakistan. We also look forward to facilitating such communities with quality health care, as we believe health care to be a primary and basic right of all human beings.

 Zainab Kayani

Donated: $ 703.21


Donated: $ 350

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 260

 Amir Ebad Khan

Donated: $ 200

 Zeeshan Syed

Donated: $ 100

 Virginia Sparkman

Donated: $ 90

 Maheera Siddique

Donated: $ 50

 Adil Aquil

Donated: $ 50

 Sarah Woodland

Donated: $ 25

 Uzma Uzma

Donated: $ 22

 Romaisa Malik

Donated: $ 17.54


Donated: $ 10

 Zaid Siddique

Donated: $ 10


Donated: $ 6.29

 Launch Good

Donated: $ 5.65

 Kashif Mueen

Donated: $ 5.54


Donated: $ 5


Donated: $ 5

 Romaisa Feroze

Donated: $ 1.14

 Jacho Berracha

Donated: $ 1

Completed Medical Camp

This medical camp has been completed and no longer accepting Donations

100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 1,917.36 Raised

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