Free Medical Camp, Held on 28 August 2021, At Hujra Haji Fazal Shakoor Khan, Charsadda

Free Medical Camp, Held on 28 August 2021, At Hujra Haji Fazal Shakoor Khan, Charsadda

  • 28 Aug 2021
  • Charsadda
  • 2067

Transparent Hands organized a free Medical and Surgical camp on August 28, 2021, at Hujra Haji Fazal Shakoor Khan, Charsadda, for the underprivileged community of the said locality. The camp team consisted of seventeen members including two supervisors, six doctors (three male and three female), two pharmacists, two lab technologists, one female nurse, one photographer, and three crew workers.  At this camp a total 342 patients were checked free of cost. Testing facilities for Hepatitis B and C, blood sugar level, and blood pressure were also provided to these patients. All COVID SOPs were followed by the camp team. The patients and all other attendees were encouraged to wear face masks and use hand sanitizers. An awareness session on COVID-19 was also held after which the patients were administered COVID vaccinations. Moreover, an ambulance facility was also provided for the emergency cases. 

The majority of the cases examined by the doctors consisted of patients suffering from stomach issues, joints and muscular pains, various types of allergies, diabetes, and fever. Free medication has been provided to such patients. In the medical camp, only one medical case was found and registered with us for treatment.

The medical and surgical camp organized by Transparent Hands has played an instrumental role in assisting more than 300 underprivileged men, women, and children who turned up at the camp. Team Transparent Hands thanks all the donors for their assistance. In the future, we look forward to organizing more camps in order to be of service to the underprivileged patients in Pakistan. Our goal is  to facilitate the neglected community of our country with basic healthcare.


Donated: $ 785.02

 Eman Jeddy

Donated: $ 415

 asqq qwww

Donated: $ 250


Donated: $ 243.46


Donated: $ 77.29

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 50

 Kamran suleman

Donated: $ 30

 Alia Saeed

Donated: $ 25

 Romaisa Malik

Donated: $ 1.02

Completed Medical Camp

This medical camp has been completed and no longer accepting Donations

100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 1,876.78 Raised

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