Be a Part of Providing Quality Healthcare in Kasur

Be a Part of Providing Quality Healthcare in Kasur

  • 20 Sep 2024
  • Kasur
  • 3237
Quality Healthcare in Kasur through medical camp
100% Complete (success)
$ 1,031.43 Required
$ 1,031.43 Raised
0 Remaining

Transparent Hands is dedicated to transforming lives through accessible healthcare in Kasur. We have identified Kasur as an area where many needy patients are awaiting necessary treatments and we plan to arrange one of our upcoming medical camps in Kasur, Pakistan. Kasur is a city with a rich cultural heritage. However, the community faces significant challenges when it comes to healthcare access. Through this free medical camp, we aim to ensure that no one is left behind in accessing quality healthcare.

Challenges For People of Kasur

Kasur is a city with a growing population, but the residents struggle with inadequate healthcare facilities. The inadequate number of hospitals and clinics often leaves residents with little to no options for proper medical check-ups and treatments. This shortage of healthcare facilities results in delayed diagnoses and untreated illnesses, which could be managed with timely intervention.

Contaminated water leads to various waterborne and other diseases among the population. Moreover, chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension often remain undiagnosed and untreated due to the lack of accessible healthcare.


To positively impact the lives of hundreds of needy patients in Kasur, we are setting up a free medical camp and preventive healthcare session to provide a broad range of healthcare services free of charge. This camp will cater to the diverse health needs of the community. We will bring in a team of dedicated doctors, nurses, lab technologists, and volunteers to provide consultations, diagnostic tests, and medicines free of charge. They will provide the following free healthcare services at the camp.

· General Check-Ups
· Gynecology Check-Ups
· Blood Pressure Check-Ups
· Cholesterol Tests
· Hepatitis B & C Screenings
· Uric Acid Tests
· BSR (Blood Sugar) Tests
· Ultrasound Scans
· Preventive Healthcare Session
· Deserving Surgical/Medical procedure cases will be registered

Preventive Healthcare Session

In addition to medical services, we will conduct a preventive healthcare session on one of the common diseases in Kasur. It will empower the community with the knowledge to reduce the incidence of preventable diseases and encourage healthy lifestyles.

Make a Difference Today

To make this medical camp a reality, we need your support. Your generous donations will help us bring essential healthcare in Kasur, improving the lives of countless needy individuals and families. Together, we can bring hope and healing to Kasur, ensuring a bright and healthy future for all.

On 20th September 2024, Transparent Hands, with the collaboration of the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF), Soorty Foundation & Association for Gender Awareness and Human Empowerment (AGAHE), organized a free medical camp and preventive healthcare session in Mokal Village, Kasur. The primary objective of this camp was to provide essential medical assistance to the underserved community of Kasur.

Free Consultations, Medicines, and Diagnostic Tests

A total of 407 deserving patients received free consultations from our expert doctors. Medicines, general check-ups, blood pressure check-ups, dental check-ups, ultrasound scans, diabetes tests, uric acid tests, and hepatitis B & C screenings were provided free of cost. Here is a summary of different diagnostic tests provided at the free medical camp in Kasur.

 Diagnostic Tests Breakdown

Diagnostic test Number of Tests
HBV screening 20
HCV screening 20
Cholesterol test 17
Uric acid test  20
BSR 54

Most Common Diseases Treated

At the free medical camp, patients received consultations for a variety of health issues, including but not limited to:

  • Fever, cough, flu, and chest congestion
  • Seasonal allergies and scabies
  • Asthma, backache, and joint pain
  • Migraine and kidney problems
  • Diabetes and high blood pressure
  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and acidity

Preventive Healthcare Session

In addition to the medical services, our expert doctors delivered a preventive healthcare session to educate the attendees about Dental Hygiene. They were given knowledge about the maintenance of oral health, and how regular dental exams and thorough cleanings are crucial, as they keep teeth and gums in optimal condition and help detect problems early.


This free medical camp had a significant impact on the lives of 407 needy patients. With limited access to health facilities, many families in Kasur were unable to seek timely medical attention. By providing free consultations, medicines, and diagnostic tests, we addressed the necessary health needs of the community.

Women, children, and the elderly particularly benefited, receiving treatment for conditions that had long been neglected. The camp not only treated existing illnesses but also raised awareness about the importance of early detection and regular check-ups for oral issues. 

The success of this camp was made possible through the generous support of donors, whose contributions continue to fuel our mission of providing quality healthcare to underprivileged people. We extend our deepest gratitude for your support. 

Medical Camp Team

The medical camp was supported by a dedicated team of 25 members, including:

  • 1 Supervisor
  • 3 Doctors (2 males, 1 female)
  • 1 Lab Technician
  • 1 Pharmacist
  • 3 Patient Registrars & Crew Members
  • 1 Staff Nurse
  • 1 Photographer
  • 14 Volunteers

 Fakhar Islam and Nusrat Fakhar

Donated: $ 350

 Soorty Foundation

Donated: $ 214.83


Donated: $ 130.62

 Ali Hassan Syed

Donated: $ 108

 Aftab Mirza

Donated: $ 48.04

 Sohail Siddiqi

Donated: $ 40

 Hina Aquil

Donated: $ 20

 Adnan Shah

Donated: $ 20

 Raheel Anwer

Donated: $ 18.07

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: $ 11

 Ahmed Khiari

Donated: $ 10


Donated: $ 9.47

 Mohammad Sarfraz

Donated: $ 9.47

 Sobia Iftikhar

Donated: $ 8.79


Donated: $ 8

 Khizra Tufail

Donated: $ 7.24

 jian sorge

Donated: $ 5


Donated: $ 3.62

 Muhammad zubair

Donated: $ 3.52


Donated: $ 1.76

 Zonaib Latif

Donated: $ 1

 Allahdino Ali

Donated: $ 0.72


Donated: $ 0.70

 M. Amin

Donated: $ 0.70

 Muhammad Ajmal

Donated: $ 0.70

 Muhammad zaigham

Donated: $ 0.18

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