Join Our Mission to Bring Urgent Medical Care to Lahore

Join Our Mission to Bring Urgent Medical Care to Lahore

  • 30 May 2024
  • Lahore
  • 7124
upcoming free medical camp in Maal Village Lahore
100% Complete (success)
$ 1,106.95 Required
$ 1,106.95 Raised
0 Remaining


Transparent Hands is taking the initiative to organise a free medical camp at Main Road Droghawala, Near Mint Orange Line Station, Lahore, with a focus on providing essential healthcare services to underprivileged patients. The primary objective of this initiative is to meet the healthcare needs of the community and ensure that accessible medical care is available to those who are most in need.

The following healthcare services will be provided:

  • Free Consultations
  • Free Blood Pressure Test
  • Free Diabetes Test
  • Ultrasound test
  • Free Cholesterol and Uric Acid
  • Free Hepatitis B and C Screening
  • Free Medicines
  • Free Registration of Deserving Cases for Surgeries and Medical Procedures


In Maal Village, Lahore, there are several specific health diseases and healthcare issues that require attention. Limited access to healthcare facilities poses challenges for the timely treatment of common diseases such as respiratory infections, gastrointestinal disorders, and malnutrition. Inadequate sanitation infrastructure increases the risk of waterborne diseases and poor hygiene-related health issues. Additionally, the community faces challenges related to the management of chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. The lack of preventive healthcare services and awareness programs further compounds the healthcare issues in the village.

Our Solution 

Join Transparent Hands in their efforts to organize a free medical camp and preventive healthcare session in Lahore, catering to those in desperate need. A team of highly qualified doctors will generously provide free check-ups, medications, and diagnostic tests. We will facilitate registering and referring patients requiring further treatment or surgeries at trusted hospitals. Your kind donations can make a significant impact on this noble cause, offering hope to deserving individuals in the area. Together, we can create a positive and lasting difference in the lives of those facing challenging circumstances. Your support is crucial in fulfilling our mission to provide urgent assistance to those in need.

Do you want to support upcoming medical camps?

Transparent Hands recently held a free medical and eye camp, as well as a preventive healthcare session, to make quality healthcare available to impoverished patients. The free medical camp was held on May 30, 2024, at Rehmat Banquet Hall, Main Road Daroghawala, near the Mint Orange Line Station in Lahore. We are also thankful to Inspire Pakistan, The Health Foundation, and Allah Waly Trust for their assistance in this camp. 

Free Consultations, Medicines, and Diagnostic Tests

A total of 510 deserving patients received free consultations with expert doctors. Free medicines, diabetes tests, uric acid tests, hepatitis B & C screenings, PCR sampling, Ultrasound, cholesterol and blood pressure check-ups, eye checkups, and glasses were also provided. Free glasses were also provided to 130 patients. 

Here is a summary of different diagnostic tests provided in this free medical camp;

Diagnostic Tests Total Number of Tests
HBV screening 113
HCV screening 113
Cholesterol test 06
Uric acid test  18
Ultrasound 17
BSR 28
Eye checkup 228
PCR  10
Total  533

Diseases and Treatments

Most of the patients who sought consultation were suffering from fever, cough, flu, seasonal allergies, chest congestion, scabies, abdominal pain, diarrhea, diabetes,  eye diseases, and joint/body pain. 

Preventive Healthcare Session 

One of our expert doctors held a preventive healthcare session for the attendees and the session focused on controlling high blood pressure. 



The recent free medical camp organized by Transparent Hands has had a transformative impact on the lives of 510 deserving patients and their families. By providing comprehensive healthcare services, including free medications, diagnostic tests, and preventive healthcare sessions, the camp has brought about profound and heartfelt changes in the lives of these underserved individuals.

Beyond just addressing their immediate medical needs, the camp has also fostered a deep sense of compassion and understanding among the patients. They have not only received the crucial care they required but have also felt the genuine concern and support of the medical team, which has touched their hearts.

The free availability of medicines has not only alleviated the financial burden on these patients but has also instilled a profound sense of security, knowing that their health is being prioritized. Furthermore, the diagnostic tests conducted during the camp have not only identified underlying health issues, but have also provided a sense of relief, as early detection can lead to more effective treatment outcomes.

Medical Camp Team

The medical camp team consisted of 13 members, including one supervisor,  four doctors (two males and two females),  one lab technician,  one pharmacist, two patient registrars, 2 crew members,  one staff nurse, and one photographer. Additionally, two optometrists from Allah Waly Trust and 3 lab technicians from The health foundation also joined the camp. 

 Morgan Charitable Giving Fund

Donated: $ 533.84


Donated: $ 385

 Mehmood Ahmad

Donated: $ 144.64

 Ali Nawaz Abba

Donated: $ 36.23

 Murtaza Ali Khan

Donated: $ 3.62

 Raheel Anwer

Donated: $ 3.62

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