New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

new Years resolutions 2020

New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

The New Year is about to roll around. This is the time to get out your notepads, contemplate how the last year went and how you can make the next one better. In short, it is time to jot down some new year’s resolutions. Here, we present some New Year’s Resolutions for 2020.

While cynics might think making resolutions is a useless activity, it is actually a great way to go into a new year with focus. You might not be able to do everything you aim for, but it is good to have a game plan! With that, let us look at four resolutions that can bring massive improvements in your life.

Resolve to Be Healthier:

The more you invest in your health, the likelier you are to celebrate more New Years’. This New Year, vow to keep your body healthy by eating better and exercising. That doesn’t mean that starting January 1st, you need to cut out everything and spend 2 hours in the gym daily. Small, manageable changes can add up and take you a long way. So, for example, resolve to cut out processed foods at least four days out of the week for the first month of 2020. Take a 30 minute walk, every other day.

It is just as important to keep the mind healthy. If your mind is working against you, it can manifest in strange ways in the body. Stored up anxiety, for example, can cause tense muscles and aches. It is therefore paramount that you give your mind’s health careful thought too. Nourish it well with good food. Resolve to set aside 15 or more minutes every day for meditation and a period of “no thinking” for some mental rest. Download brain teaser apps that would keep you exercising your thought muscle in a healthy way.

Donate To a Charity:

One of the best New Year’s Resolutions for 2020 is to have a spirit of donation. As you resolve to make your New Year healthier, you could also contribute towards someone else’s health. In developing countries like Pakistan, many serious patients lie in wait for funds to be able to get treated.

Transparent Hands is the largest technology platform for crowdfunding in the healthcare sector of Pakistan. It offers a complete range of free healthcare services including medical and surgical treatments, medical camps and tele-health facility to the underprivileged community of Pakistan. The platform provides visibility of needy patients and builds a personal and trusted bond between patients and donors while ensuring complete transparency. It also sets up free medical camps in the rural areas of Pakistan in which, free medical consultation, free medicines and free diagnostic tests are provided to the deserving patients.

Donors from all over the world can use this online crowdfunding web portal and donate through 100% secure payment modes. You could select any patient, fund the treatment and receive regular feedback and updates until the patient is recovered completely.

There is great personal satisfaction in efforts made for the betterment of others. Not everyone in the world is born with privileges and those of us who are should share where we can. You don’t have to donate millions to make a difference. For someone in need, even a few dollars could mean a great deal

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Spend More Time With Loved Ones:

When you surround yourself with love, things automatically become a little easier and feel a little better. But a lot of us take our loved ones for granted. Instead of maximizing our time with them, we find it difficult to even take out a few moments for them. For this very reason, a lot of human beings in the current age are lonely. The truth is that there are always people in your life who love you and lift you. If you make it a priority to give them your attention this year, it can make life a lot more wholesome and fulfilling.

Learn a New Skill:

In today’s technological boom, information exchange has reached an unprecedented pace. The internet is filled with tutorials, books and other informational material on any subject under the world. In fact, we don’t even need to pay for an education (even if we do need to pay for a degree). Pick any skill, search a bit on google and you can get started with learning about it right away. You could be pragmatic and learn a skill that would keep you with the current times for example coding or graphic design. Websites such as Coursera and EdX have free courses on these topics from some of the most elite universities in the world. Always wanted to learn a musical instrument? Buy the instrument and go on to YouTube for tutorials. Or just learn to paint with Bob Ross, whose complete videos are also available on YouTube.

Learning a new skill engages a different part of your brain. It not only develops new neural connections but also gives you a sense of exhilaration at overcoming a challenge.

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