Online Fundraising Options for Heart Patients

Online Fundraising Options for Heart Patients

Online Fundraising

Heart Diseases – The Silent Killer

The greatest loss that a person can live with is most probably losing a loved one, especially in an instance where you never get a chance to say your last goodbyes! You’d be surprised to learn that Cardiovascular disease, commonly known as Heart disease, has become the leading cause of death globally. Contributing to almost 32% of worldwide deaths in 2019, heart disease has become a point of no return for most heart patients. Heart attacks have become one of the leading causes of unexpected deaths. It can hit you out of the blue, and you may lose your dear ones in a few mere seconds. Whether we have lost a loved one to heart disease or not, we’re all touched by the loss equally. In this blog, we will share with you the ways in which you can make a difference in the lives of heart patients with online fundraising. 

What Can We Do? How Do We Chip In?

Many patients die due to treatable heart diseases. A lot of people never get the surgical and medical treatments they need due to financial constraints. So, what we can do about it? You can donate to a charitable organization that provides free cardiac surgeries and procedures or volunteer for this cause. 

All the ways to raise funds that we’ll be discussing are online options for your ease and comfort. 

What is meant by Online Fundraising?

The ways to raise funds for any cause never remain constant and keep on transforming. With modern technology, online fundraising is gaining popularity across the globe.

Though the traditional practice of in-person or on-ground fundraising could still be beneficial and effective in attracting donations, online fundraising has introduced convenience, comfort, and ease to the process. 

Online Crowdfunding Campaigns

The most common and effective tool to kickstart a virtual fundraising campaign for heart patients is a virtual crowdfunding campaign. The word or action of crowdfunding means reaching out to the community members by highlighting the cause and inspiring people to make their donations.

There are several crowdfunding platforms available on the internet where you can reach out to a global audience. With these crowdfunding websites, you can easily target a large global audience to raise funds.

Virtual Race or Running Events

Yes, you read it right, Virtual Running Events. As you can understand from its name, a Virtual Race can be run from any location anywhere. Whether you want to run in your yard or from your street to the nearest cafe. The best part is that you can even run on a treadmill while raising funds and collecting valuable donations for heart patients.

Hosting an Online Auction

It is time to transform in-person auctions into virtual at-home auctions. The rules remain the same and people know that they are buying for a cause and the amount will be used as a donation. You can ask businesses to donate objects like jewelry, portraits, bowls, vases, etc. for the auction. You can sell them to raise funds and help underprivileged patients.

Facebook-based Fundraisers

Facebook fundraisers have become very common and have contributed to many causes. They can be set up easily and people can donate with a few clicks. 

Final Thoughts

Whether you want to start an online fundraising campaign for heart patients or donate to an existing one, you can do so easily from your home. You can read campaign stories of my many cardiac patients on Transparent Hands to make an informed decision. 


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