Donate Ali Husnan for his Left Orchidopexy
Ali Husnan's Story
Your support can make this child healthy again
Ali Husnan is 2 years old baby boy who was diagnosed with Undescended Testis when he was only 3 months old. His parents took him to a hospital and they suggested surgery for Ali. Ali’s parents couldn’t afford the surgery cost because of limited finance. His father works as a salesman and earns around 15,000 rupees a month from which he has to take care of his wife, 3 kids, parents and siblings. In such tough situation, it is hard for his father to pay for the surgical expenses.
Ali’s family contacted various hospitals for free of cost surgical treatment but nobody paid attention to them. On every visit, hospital used to give them surgery date of up to 3 years. Ali cannot wait for that long for his surgery. He experiences severe abdominal pain and discomfort due to which he weeps a lot. Doctor has recommended Ali to undergo surgery as soon as possible otherwise his disease can grow into tumor.
Luckily, this family came to know about Transparent Hands and they immediately came here with Ali. This little boy is now scheduled for his Left Orchidopexy in a few days at Akram Medical Complex after which he’ll be able to live an active life. His struggles don’t end here. Ali’s surgery will only be possible with the help of your donations and zakat.
This little boy is asking you to donate as little as you can so that he can start playing without any pain and discomfort. Help him now!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 251.30
madeeha javed
Donated: $ 172.76
Misha Waheed
Donated: $ 20
Ali Husnan's Story
Ali Husnain 02 years old boy was suffering from Lt. undescended testis. His parents were concerned about this since his birth. He was advised surgery to correct its position. His Lt. Orchidopexy was done and missing testicle was fixed into his scrotum. The surgery was done in Akram Medical Complex on 09-07-18 by Dr. Naveed Haider. He stayed for one-day post-operatively and was discharged in satisfactory condition.