Donate Amjad Siddique for his Open Heart Surgery

Donate Amjad Siddique for his Open Heart Surgery

100% Complete (success)
$ 4,202.64 Required
$ 4,202.64 Raised
0 Remaining

Amjad Siddique's Story

Your support can save this poor father from dying because of heart disease.

Amjad lives in a small town of Lahore with his wife, two daughters and one son. His daughters are getting education but his son had to leave studies because of their poor financial condition. Amjad’s son is working as a salesman at a clothing shop and earns only 200 rupees a day. In such meager income, this family struggles to make both ends meet. Amjad used to work as an Auto Mechanic but due to his heart disease, he couldn’t continue working. He also opened a small shop in his town but he couldn’t even manage to run it.

Amjad experienced two heart attacks last year. He survived with medical treatment from a local hospital. He is now taking medicines regularly for his heart disease. After going through some detailed tests, he was diagnosed with Ischemic Heart Disease involving blocking of his three major vessels of heart. Doctor advised him to undergo Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) otherwise he may face heart failure. Amjad cannot afford to pay for his heart surgery. He contacted a few local hospitals for free surgical treatment but they all are giving him time of at least a few years. Amjad cannot wait for that long. His health is deteriorating with each passing day. He experiences severe pain in his left arm and weakness due to which he is bedridden most of the time. His family is very worried for his health. Without his surgery, he is at risk of having third heart attack which may be fatal. Luckily, he came to know about Transparent Hands and he immediately came here without wasting any time.


Amjad is now scheduled for his Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) in a few days at National Hospital, Lahore. His surgery will not be possible without your kind support. This poor father is requesting you to please donate for his surgery as much as you can so that he can get back to his healthy life and start earning for his family again.


Donate for him now!

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Packages Foundation

Donated: $ 2,586.70

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 520.92

 Kashif Mueen

Donated: $ 469.51

 Khalid Malik

Donated: $ 300

 Pardeep Kumar

Donated: $ 79.98

 Hamza Khalid

Donated: $ 73.17

 Adnan Tabassam

Donated: $ 50.54

 Fi Sabeelillah Trust

Donated: $ 40.65

 Erum Arif

Donated: $ 40.64

 Numan Shaikh

Donated: $ 24.33

 Daraz pk

Donated: $ 13.99

 TH EmergencyFund

Donated: $ 2.19

Amjad Siddique's Story

Amjad Siddique 51 years old man experienced sudden episodes of chest pain twice in last year which were treated as a heart attack. He was diagnosed as a case of Ischemic heart disease (Triple Vessel) and was advised to open heart By-pass surgery. His operation was done in the National Hospital on 28-08-18 by Dr. Ahmed Shehbaz. He was found to have triple vessel disease for which grafts were applied. He stayed for 5 days in the hospital and had a good post-operative recovery. He was discharged in good health and advised for follow-ups.

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