Donate Aqsa Ashraf for her Lt. Wide Excision
Aqsa Ashraf's Story
“My daughter’s knee injury turned infectious and later became cancerous. I sold my house for her treatment but she could not recover fully. Now I don’t have any more money left, to afford her surgery. Please help us with your kind donations.” – Aqsa’s father.
23 year old, Aqsa Ashraf slipped in the washroom and fractured her knee, about a year ago. The wound became infectious and she later developed Osteosarcoma – a type of cancer.
Her surgery was done in a private hospital. Afterwards, she underwent 6 cycles of post-op chemotherapy. The doctors advised her leg to be amputated to stop the cancer from spreading. However, she was horrified to think of losing her leg and so came to Lahore for a second opinion.
Here the doctors advised her to undergo Wide Excision, which comprises of 3 to 4 surgeries. She also needs post-op management, including chemotherapy.
Aqsa is experiencing intense pain and extreme difficulty in walking. Her condition requires immediate surgery, as it has become life threatening.
Aqsa’s husband is a Rickshaw driver who makes about 12,000 PKR each month. She has 3 daughters and they live in a joint family system, in village. Her father had sold his house for her previous surgery, at the private hospital and lives in a rented house now. He does not have any more resources for Aqsa’s further surgery. Her husband is also unable to afford such costly surgical procedure.
Luckily, they came to know about Transparent Hands and requested for help. Her case has been registered.
Aqsa is scheduled for her Lt. Wide Excision at Pakistan Society for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PSRD) Hospital, through Transparent Hands. Please come forward to save the life of this young mother and donate for her, generously.
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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 597.17
Sabena mir
Donated: $ 387.44
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 10
Aqsa Ashraf's Story
Aqsa Ashraf 23 years old lady was suffering from Tumor (Osteosarcoma) of left thigh. She was advised surgery to get rid of this after complete investigations. She was worked up and operated upon. Her surgery was done on 22-06-19 in PSRD by Dr. Afzal Hussain. Her wide local excision was done and fixator was applied. She had good post-operative recovery. Later on, she developed wound infection for which her wound debridement was done on 10-07-19. Now she has recovered well and discharged from hospital in good health.