Donate Bisma Riaz for her Colostomy Enclosure
Bisma Raiz's Story
Your support can give a better lifestyle to this 5 years old girl
Bisma is suffering from Anorectal Malformation since birth. Anorectal malformation is a defect that occurs when an unborn baby is developing during pregnancy. With this defect, the anus (opening at the end of the large intestine through which stool passes) and the rectum (area of the large intestine just above the anus) don’t develop properly. Bisma was diagnosed with this disease when she was born. To fix the defect, Bisma needs to undergo 3 surgeries, 2 of which have been done already. She underwent her first surgery at a local hospital when she was only 7 days old. Her second surgery was conducted when she turned four.
Bisma suffers from abdominal pain and hygienic issues due to which her family cannot take her out. She is due for the 3rd surgical procedure which is colostomy closure, for which her poor family is desperately in need of money. Bisma’s father works as a labourer and he earns only around 300 per day from which he has to cover the school fees of his 3 kids and other needs of his family. Her first two surgeries were conducted at a local hospital for free but they refused to take her case now and asked them to pay out of pocket. Luckily, Bisma is now registered with Transparent Hands.
She is scheduled for her Colostomy closure in a few days at Akram Medical Complex after which she’ll be able to pass her stool through normal passage. Please come forward and support us to provide a healthy and bright future to this child. Your little contribution can help us in giving a symptom-free life to Bisma.
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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 431.89
Osman Masood
Donated: $ 64.99
Shoaib Hassan
Donated: $ 43.19
Bobbi Ali
Donated: $ 5.01
Bisma Raiz's Story
The Anorectal malformation of Bisma Riaz was successful. Bisma, a 5 years old girl had her colostomy made at 7th day of life for Anorectal malformation- Rectovaginal fistula present since birth. After this, her back passage was formed in another surgery and she was advised surgery to reverse her temporary opening for passage of stool- colostomy closure. Her surgery was done in Akram Medical Complex on 12-06-18 by Dr. Naveed Haider. Her colostomy was closed and intestinal continuity was restored. She recovered well in three days of hospital stay and was discharged in good health.