Donate for Ameer’s Urethroplasty
Ameer Ali's Story
Before you proceed to read the story of Ameer’s ailment, please know that your donations can help him. Your donations will change Ameer’s life for good. Therefore, we request you to please donate for Ameer’s urethroplasty as much as you can.
When Ameer Ali was born, the doctors noticed that Ameer had an abnormal opening of the urethra for urine passage. Hypospadias refers to a condition in which the urethral opening of a male’s genitalia is not located at its normal position. In the case of coronal hypospadias, the opening is located at the undersurface of the glans.
This poor penile development requires urethral reconstruction, and the surgical procedure that can achieve this goal is known as urethroplasty. The surgery involves reconstruction of the urethra that is narrowed by scar tissue. A urethroplasty promises to put an end to Ameer Ali’s pain and misery. But affording the treatment is not possible for Ameer’s family right now.
Ameer’s father works at a food stall and hardly earns PKR 15000 per month. With a family of six to take care of in this measly income, it has become impossible for him to arrange for his son’s surgery. He told us:
“All of us are in great distress because of my son’s condition. I wish no father has to go through the guilt and helplessness I am experiencing right now.”
Ameer’s father is tired of fighting with life, but he has not given up completely yet. There is one hope still left in his arsenal, and that hope is donors who will read his story on Transparent Hands. You are one of those in whom Ameer’s father has put his last shreds of hope and trust. Honour his father’s trust and donate for Ameer’s urethroplasty as much as you can. Donate now.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Rizwan Khan
Donated: $ 266.90
Mohammad Naveed
Donated: $ 90
Sarad Yousaf
Donated: $ 79.27
Muhammad Tahir Jamal
Donated: $ 50
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 40
Jamil Siddique
Donated: $ 25
Donated: $ 1
Ameer Ali's Story
Ameer Ali, aged 12 years, was born with an abnormal urethral opening. On medical consultation, he was diagnosed to have a condition called coronal hypospadias. The urologist advised surgical repair for Ameer’s treatment. For this purpose, he was admitted to Akram Medical Complex and his Snodgrass Urethroplasty was performed by Dr. M. Bilal Mirza on 12.06.2021. In this surgery, Ameer’s urethral defect was repaired. His hospital stay was four days and he was discharged in a stable condition. Ameer has recovered quickly post-surgery.