Donate for Ammar’s Cataract Surgery
Muhammad Ammar's Story
Muhammad Ammar is a one year toddler whose family hails from Multan. But that’s not the most significant fact that you need to know about Ammar. In fact, it is Ammar’s cataracts in both eyes that need your utmost attention right now. You see, Ammar’s vision is deteriorating fast because of cataracts. Ammar is suffering from a congenital condition called Bilateral Aphakia, a serious ocular disorder in which the lens of the eye is missing by birth. Ammar’s doctors have advised him to undergo a surgical procedure called vitrectomy. The objective of this surgical procedure is to treat problems with a patient’s ocular deformity. Not only that, the doctor has advised Ammar to get an IOL as well. This stands for the intraocular lens, a procedure in which an artificial lens is implanted in place of a natural lens. Therefore, we request you to donate for Ammar’s Cataract Surgery.
Perfect treatments exist for Ammar’s eye problems, so what’s the hurdle here? The answer is his family’s financial condition. You see, Ammar’s father is a daily wager, all he makes by stitching clothes every day amounts to 20,000 PKR per month. In this meagre amount, he has to manage a family of four. He says:
“As if the pandemic was not bad enough for the business, now I have to face another struggle. But this time, it is more than just affording an expense. It is my son’s vision at risk. I have to do everything that I can to save his eyesight. And one of the things that I can do right now is to pray for a miracle”
The miracle that Ammar’s father is talking about is your help that will help him save his son’s eyesight. You know the patient, you know the story. All that is left for you to do is to donate for Ammar’s Cataract Surgery Donate today, donate now to save a kid’s vision!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
john doe
Donated: $ 138.08
Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust Hospital
Donated: $ 94.12
A Ali
Donated: $ 67.72
Ibrahim Trust
Donated: $ 41.59
Athar Khan
Donated: $ 9.97
Muhammad Ammar's Story
One year old Muhammad Ammar, resident of Multan, has been suffering from short sightedness and extreme difficulty seeing. Upon consultation, he was diagnosed with right Eye Aphakia. After the diagnosis, his parents were advised to get his right Ant Vitrectomy + IOL placement. Therefore, he was sent to the Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust. His procedure was carried out by Dr. Sadaqat Ali on 23-09-2021 and was discharged the same day in satisfactory condition. Muhammad Ammar’s vision has now been restored.