Donate for Aneela Nadeem’s Pyeloplasty
Aneela Nadeem's Story
Before you read Aneela Nadeem’s story, please know that even a small donation from you will make a big difference in her life. We urge you to donate for Aneela Nadeem’s Pyeloplasty as much as you can without any delay.
Aneela Nadeem, a four-year-old resident of Hyderabad, has been suffering from severe abdominal pain for the last year. At first, her parents deemed it a minor digestion problem and did not pay much attention to it. However, later, they took her to the hospital where the doctor advised her to undergo an ultrasound scan. Aneela was diagnosed with left UJPO. A ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) is a blockage of urine flow from the renal pelvis to the ureter.
To treat this condition, they advised her to undergo a Pyeloplasty. Pyeloplasty is a surgery to correct a condition called ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction. “Pyelo” refers to the kidney (renal pelvis). “Plasty” is the term for a surgical procedure that repairs, restores or replaces something.
Unfortunately, Aneela’s parents cannot afford the cost of this surgery due to financial constraints. Aneela’s mother told us:
“Aneela’s father is the sole earner in the family. He works very hard every day to provide for us but it is next to impossible for us to afford the cost of this surgery. We can’t overcome this situation without help. Whoever is reading this, please help my little girl who is suffering at such a young age.”
After a lot of distress, Aneela’s family reached out to Transparent Hands and we have registered her case. We have assured them that we will try our best to arrange her surgery as soon as possible. However, we cannot do so without the support of generous donors like you. We request you to please donate for Aneela Nadeem’s Pyeloplasty as soon as possible.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
AlHaya Foundation
Donated: $ 544.87
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 8.56
Qirsa Rasheed
Donated: $ 0.57
Aneela Nadeem's Story
Four-year-old Aneela, a resident of Hyderabad, was suffering from abdominal pain. When her pain became unbearable, she was taken to a local hospital where, after going through multiple diagnostic tests, she was diagnosed with a left Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction. After she was diagnosed, the doctor advised her to undergo Pyeloplasty. Since Aneela’s family could not afford the process, they reached out to Transparent Hands for help. Hence, she was sent to Isra University Hospital to get her Pyeloplasty done by Dr. Rajab Ali on 15-02-2022. Her surgery was performed successfully and she was discharged after three days of hospital stay. Aneela looks forward to a pain-free future now.