Donate for Atif’s Artificial Leg
Atif Ali 's Story
Before you dive into the gory details of Atif’s ailment, please know that only your help can get him back up on his feet. Therefore, we request you to please donate for Atif’s artificial leg.
One year ago, Atif Ali met with a terrible road accident on his way to work. In the accident, his right leg was completely crushed. Due to the spread of infection in his right leg, Atif’s leg had to be amputated at an above-knee level. After the wound healed, the doctor advised him to get an above-knee prosthesis for weight bearing on his right leg. Prosthetic legs, or prostheses, can help people with leg amputations get around more easily. They mimic the function and, sometimes, even the appearance of a real leg. It enables the amputees to walk freely.
Therefore, for the past one year, Atif has been hovering around on crutches in search of an artificial leg. Due to the COVID outbreak and partial closure of public hospitals, he is unable to get it from any public hospitals. Due to his limited resources, he cannot arrange his treatment at any private hospital. Due to his disability and history of trauma, Atif Ali has been unable to work. Therefore, he is financially dependent on his brothers who work as manual laborers on daily wages and hardly manage to make PKR 15000 per month. This income does not allow them to arrange for their brother’s prosthesis procedure. Atif told us:
“Lying on the bed all day, I feel so helpless. I cannot get up or do anything on my own. It distresses me to no end.”
Therefore, with their doctor’s help, Atif Ali and his son have registered themselves with Transparent Hands. We hope that with your kind donations, we will be able to arrange his artificial leg for free. Therefore, we urge you to please donate for Atif’s artificial leg. Help us get him back up on his feet.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Atif Ali 's Story
Atif Ali, a 23-year-old resident of Depalpur, had a road accident in which his right leg got badly injured a year ago. He was taken to a nearby hospital where he underwent an above knee amputation. His wound healed well, so he was advised to get an artificial limb. His artificial leg was successfully attached by Dr. Khalid on 25-11-21 in Hope Rehabilitation Center, Lahore.