Donate for Eefa Fatima’s PSARP
Eefa Fatima's Story
Empathy makes you cognizant of everyone’s pains as if they are your own. The pain turns twofold when you see a child wailing in pain. Eefa Fatima is in so much pain. Your donation can help us relieve her of this pain. Therefore, we request you to donate for Eefa Fatima’s PSARP as much as you can.
Two years old Eefa Fatima has been suffering from Anorectal Malformation by birth. Anorectal Malformation is a congenital condition that results in a malformed stool passage and affects the child’s bowel movements. To treat these defects, Eefa Fatima’s colostomy was done at a local hospital. Now, she requires to undergo posterior sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP). A PSARP is a procedure that surgically creates the child’s anus within the sphincter muscle.
Unfortunately, Eefa’s parents do not have the means to arrange for her surgery. Her father is the sole earner of the family. His father is a milkman and hardly earns PKR 15000 per month. With a family of five to take care of, he is in no position to arrange for Eefa’s surgery. Eefa’s parents circled back and forth to several local hospitals in search of free treatment. But, due to COVID 19 and the closure of OPDs, they could not get a date. Her mother told us:
“The ground beneath our feet swept away when the doctor told us about Eefa’s condition. Thankfully, my daughter will be on the road to recovery after this second surgery. But, it won’t be possible without your help.”
Eefa’s parents have registered her case with Transparent Hands. We have assured them that we would try to arrange for her surgery as soon as possible. The only thing standing between Eefa and the surgery she needs is financial constraint. Therefore, we request you to please donate for Eefa Fatima’s PSARP as much as you can.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Eefa Fatima's Story
Eefa Fatima, aged 2.5 years, suffered from a congenital anorectal malformation called rectovestibular fistula. In this condition, there is an abnormal communication between the stool passage and genital tract. Therefore, a temporary colostomy stoma was made when she was one month old. Later, the doctor advised a Trans-Fistula Anorectoplasty (TFARP) for the construction of her back passage. For this purpose, she was admitted to Akram Medical Complex and the surgery was performed by Dr. M. Bilal Mirza on 1st May, 2021. She stayed in the hospital for four days and was discharged in a stable condition. Eefa’s surgery went well and she has recovered quickly.