Donate for Humaira Rehman’s Paraumbilical Hernioplasty
Humaira Rehman's Story
Humaira Rehman, aged 35, hails from the Khanewal district and suffers from a condition called a paraumbilical hernia. In this condition, a hole exists in the connective tissues of the abdominal wall, leading to a higher risk of protrusion of abdominal contents e.g. bowel. It has been eight miserable years since Humaira first felt the dreadful pain that is associated with this condition. Swelling at the umbilical area, abdominal stretch, and worsening symptoms over the last twelve months have made Humaira Rehman’s life as full of misery as it can be. It is as if the pain never leaves her!
It is not as if all hope is lost for Humaira. There does exist a treatment that can put an end to Humaira’s pain. You see, Humaira has been advised to undergo a paraumbilical hernioplasty, a surgical procedure that can fix a hernia. But while the procedure is an effective one, it is also a costly one. And Humaira’s current financial status doesn’t allow her to afford it, even if the procedure promises to be an antidote to her pain. She says:
“My husband is an Imam at the local mosque. In his meagre income of 9000 PKR/month, we have to manage a family of six. And with no assets in our possession, the chances of raising or saving enough funds for my hernioplasty are slimmer than ever. The walls of the dingy 3-Marla house in which we live are a witness to the pain I have to endure every day. And the way things are right now, I haven’t got much hope in the future either”
Transparent Hands is Humaira Rehman’s last hope. We are going to do everything we can to ensure that Humaira gets her hernioplasty. But we need your help as well! And the best way of helping Humaira right now is to DONATE for her paraumbilical hernioplasty, as much as you can!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
TK World Group
Donated: $ 273.45
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 102.23
Humaira Rehman's Story
Humaira Rehman, aged 35, a resident of Khanewal was diagnosed with Paraumblical Hernia. The doctor advised her to undergo Hernioplasty. For this purpose, Humaira Rehman was admitted to Abid Hospital, where Dr. Adnan Ahmad Raza performed Mesh Hernioplasty on 25.02.2021 and her Hernia was fixed. Two days later, she was discharged from the hospital in a satisfactory condition. Humaira Rehman is looking forward to leading a painful free comfortable and healthy life.