Donate for Iqra Bibi’s Septoplasty

Donate for Iqra Bibi’s Septoplasty

Zakat Eligible Iqra bibi Septoplasty pre image
73.815379384598% Complete (success)
$ 319.60 Required
$ 235.96 Raised
$ 83.64 Remaining

Iqra Bibi's Story

Iqra Bibi, a 27-year-old resident of Karachi, who has been enduring recurrent attacks of watery rhinorrhea and a persistently blocked nose. Initially, she sought symptomatic treatment for her symptoms, hoping for relief. However, as time went on, her condition only worsened, prompting her to seek further medical attention.

With hope in her heart, Iqra visited the local hospital’s free medical camp, where she was examined by a  doctor. After undergoing several diagnostic tests, a diagnosis was finally reached: Iqra had a deflected nasal septum (DNS), a condition that required a surgical procedure known as septoplasty for proper correction. The doctor emphasized the importance of the surgery to alleviate Iqra’s discomfort and improve her overall quality of life.

Iqra’s situation is further complicated by her family’s financial constraints. As a dedicated housewife, she relies on her husband, who works as a daily wager, as the sole breadwinner. Their monthly income of PKR 25,000 barely covers their essential expenses, including rent of PKR 3,000, utility bills amounting to PKR 2,000, and a looming loan repayment of PKR 200,000. In such circumstances, Iqra and her husband find themselves unable to afford the surgical expenses required to restore her health.

The burden of this predicament weighs heavily on Iqra’s husband, who longs to see his wife living a healthy and pain-free life. He strives to meet the family’s basic needs, but the additional financial strain of the surgical expenses proves to be overwhelming.

Iqra’s husband said it in a depressed tone:

“My heart aches as I cannot afford the surgical expenses that my wife, Iqra, desperately needs to find relief from her health struggles.”

We, at Transparent Hands, understand the urgency of Iqra Bibi’s situation and are dedicated to empowering her journey towards better health. We appeal to the kindness and generosity of individuals like you to come forward and contribute to Iqra’s surgical expenses, enabling her to undergo the much-needed septoplasty procedure.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Shaymaa Elmiligi

Donated: $ 181.23

 Hira Saad

Donated: $ 36.15

 Kashif Mueen

Donated: $ 10

 Araceli Higon

Donated: $ 4.58

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: $ 2

 Zonaib Latif

Donated: $ 2

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