Donate for Muhammad Essa’s Herniotomy
Muhammad Essa's Story
Not that we are undermining anyone’s pain, but doesn’t it absolutely break your heart to see little kids suffering from pain? Muhammad Essa’s story is one that can make your eyes water in no time. He is 19 months old little boy, whose family lives in Lahore. What is wrong with Muhammad Essa? Well, he has been suffering from a hernia for the last five months or so. For a kid who isn’t even two years old, a hernia is quite a painful condition to develop. It is not as if a hernia is not a treatable condition. There exists a surgical treatment for Muhammad Essa’s condition. It is called herniotomy. Before we talk about this treatment, let us tell you that the exact condition from which this little angel suffers is termed as hydrocele. This swelling in the scrotum develops when fluid accumulates in the sheath surrounding the scrotum. In a herniotomy, the hernial sac is removed, which alleviates a hernia patient’s pain and misery. Essa has a hydrocele on the left side which requires surgery.
Why Muhammad Essa hasn’t undergone the herniotomy already? Well, Essa’s father earns only around 15,000 PKR per month by working at a local shop. The five-membered family, living in a 4-Marla house, has to make do with this money only. In circumstances like these, affording a herniotomy is simply not possible for Essa’s father.
“I wish I could work 24 hours a day. Maybe that way I would be able to raise enough money for my little boy’s surgery. But right now, I don’t have enough reasons to hope for the best. There is a chance that people reading this will help my boy, you can consider that my final hope”– Essa’s father
Essa’s father has put his faith in us, and we are going to put ours in you. Save a little boy from a painful life by donating for his herniotomy. Donate today, donate NOW!
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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Muhammad Essa's Story
Muhammad Essa, 2 years old, had swelling in the inguinoscrotal region on the left side. His condition was diagnosed as a hydrocele with hernia (when fluid collects in the thin sheath surrounding the male genital). He was advised to get a herniotomy. Essa’s surgery was performed by Dr. Sajid Iqbal on 19-11-20 at Lahore Care Hospital, Lahore. He remained admitted in the hospital for one day during which he recovered well and was later discharged in a good and stable condition.
“Essa’s swelling was painful for him so we are glad that it has finally been repaired surgically.”- Essa’s mother said