Donate for Muhammad Irshad’s Right Phaco IOL

Donate for Muhammad Irshad’s Right Phaco IOL

Zakat Eligible Muhammad Irshad
100% Complete (success)
$ 376.09 Required
$ 376.09 Raised
0 Remaining

Muhammad Irshad's Story

Muhammad Irshad, aged 49, hails from Multan city and is fast losing his sense of vision, because of a cataract in his right eye. The doctor has prescribed treatment for Muhammad Irshad’s condition commonly known as Phaco IOL. It is short for phacoemulsification with an intraocular lens. This is one of the most effective solutions for recovering and saving the fast deteriorating eyesight. First, the cloudy lens is dissolved using ultrasound waves, which are then removed via suction. Then, an artificial lens is inserted in its place.

So, why hasn’t Muhammad Irshad undergone phacoemulsification already? Well, his current financial status doesn’t allow him to afford a Phaco IOL. You see, Irshad has to support a family of six. And currently, Irshad is not employed either. He has managed things mostly with the help of whatever support his relatives can provide him. He says:

“I used to earn 500 PKR every day before short-sightedness started having the better of me. And while that was nowhere enough either, it was at least something. You will be able to relate to my pain more if you had to pay house rents and manage provisions in this meagre income. But now? Well, now life has turned on its head completely. All of my kids are at an age where all they should be doing is study. So if I am unable to work and earn bread for the family, there is no one else to take the burden. A situation that I hope my family doesn’t have to face, ever”

Transparent Hands is going to do everything it can to ensure that Muhammad Irshad gets his eye treatment. But we need your help as well. You know the patient, you know the story. All that you have to do NOW is donate for Muhammad Irshad’s right Phaco IOL! 

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Zanib Ahmad

Donated: $ 129.69

 Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust Hospital

Donated: $ 96.33


Donated: $ 69.46

 Saad Saeed

Donated: $ 50

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 20

 muhammad hasham khan

Donated: $ 10

 Sam B

Donated: $ 0.60

Muhammad Irshad's Story

Muhammad Irshad, aged 49, a resident of Multan was diagnosed with a cataract in his right eye that was becoming the root cause of his short sightedness. After an eye exam the ophthalmologist advised Muhammad Irshad to undergo Phacoemulsification with an intraocular lens (IOL). For this purpose, he was admitted to Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust Hospital, where the surgery was performed by Dr. Sadaqat Ali on 11.02.2021. His faulty lens inside the right eye was removed, and replaced with an artificial lens. He was discharged from the hospital in a satisfactory condition the same day. Muhammad Irshad is now hopeful of living a better life as he is gradually recovering from his surgery.

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