Donate for Muhammad Yousaf’s Orchidopexy
Muhammad Yousaf's Story
Before you dive into the gory details of Muhammad Yousaf’s ailment, please know that it can be eradicated with your help. Therefore, we urge you to please donate for Muhammad Yousaf’s Orchidopexy as much as you can. Your help will relieve the pain Yousaf is in right now.
Six years old Muhammad Yousaf hails from district Hyderabad. Since birth, he has been suffering from a condition known as cryptorchidism i.e. undescended testis. The condition arises when a testicle doesn’t move into its proper position i.e. scrotum.
To treat this condition the doctor has advised Muhammad Yousaf to undergo an Orchidopexy. Orchiopexy is a surgery to move and fix an undescended testicle into the scrotum for permanent cure.
While the surgery offers a permanent solution to Muhammad Yousaf’s ailment, unfortunately, Yousaf’s parents cannot afford the hefty cost of the surgery. Yousaf’s father is the only earner in the entire family. He works as a laborer in a factory on daily wages. Despite his hard work and long hours, he only manages to earn PKR. 10,000 per month. With a family of five to raise in this measly income, it is almost impossible for him to arrange Yousaf’s surgery. he hardly makes the both ends meet. He told us:
“Even if I save my entire salary every month, I would not be able to save enough for my son’s surgery. Whoever is reading this, I request you to please help me.”
As a last resort, with the help of their doctor, Muhammad Yousaf’s parents have requested Transparent Hands for help. The only thing between Muhammad Yousaf and the treatment he needs is financial constraint. Therefore we need you to donate for Muhammad Yousaf’s Orchidopexy as much as you can. You can click the green button above and donate now.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Geni Team
Donated: $ 165.52
Sam B
Donated: $ 89.42
Muhammad Yousaf's Story
Six-year-old Muhammad Yousuf, a resident of Hyderabad, had been enduring pain in his right groin for the past two months. His pain became unbearable and his parents took him for a consultation. Upon consultation, the doctor diagnosed Yousuf with Right Undescended Testis. As a lasting cure, Yousuf was advised to undergo Orchidopexy. Since Yousuf’s family was facing financial constraints, they couldn't bear the cost of the procedure. Yousaf’s father found out about the Transparent Hands crowdfunding platform and contacted us. We registered his case and referred him to ISRA University Hospital for treatment. Muhammad Yousuf's Orchidopexy was performed by Dr. Rajab Ali on 7-01-2022. He was discharged after one day of hospital stay in satisfactory condition. He is now healthy and free of pain.