Donate for Naseem Akhtar’s Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Donate for Naseem Akhtar’s Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

100% Complete (success)
$ 448.77 Required
$ 448.77 Raised
0 Remaining

Naseem Akhtar's Story

53-year-old Naseem Akhtar hails from the Sahiwal district of the country and suffers from a condition called cholelithiasis. This is not a recent revelation, in fact, Naseem was diagnosed with this disease almost 1 ½ years ago. But her financial condition is not allowing her to undergo the recommended and immediately needed laparoscopic cholecystectomy. You see, Naseem was divorced twice, and her life hasn’t been a smooth sail throughout these years. In fact, she would have found managing provisions extremely tough, had it not been for the support that she gets from her elder son abroad. 

But is 6500 PKR per month really enough for Naseem? Her condition is worsening with every minute wasted, and surgery is unavoidable for her good health. For those of you who are not well familiar with this disease, cholelithiasis refers to gall stone formation. And the pain that stems from the right hypochondriac area in Naseem’s body is just too much for the fifty-year-old patient. Like we mentioned earlier, what Naseem has been advised is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In simpler words, laparoscopic cholecystectomy refers to a surgical procedure in which a patient’s gall bladder is removed. For those of you who don’t know it already, a laparoscope is just a narrow tube with an attached camera. This tube allows the doctor to remove your gall bladder and assess the overall situation in a safe and  effective way.

How does Naseem feel about this situation though?

“Pleasant and unpleasant scenarios of all sorts keep popping in my mind. Maybe, something miraculous will happen courtesy of Transparent Hands is a thought that I like to think about more than any other. In fact, it is the only hope that is giving me the courage to keep fighting against all the odds”

Well, you know the patient, you know the story. All that is left for you to do is donate for Naseem Akhtar’s laparoscopic cholecystectomy and DONATE IMMEDIATELY! 

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Launch Good

Donated: $ 443

 Sam B

Donated: $ 5.77

Naseem Akhtar's Story

Naseem Akhtar, 53 years old, suffered from persistent pain in her upper abdominal area on the right side and was diagnosed with cholelithiasis (gallstones). She was recommended a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. For this reason, she was admitted in Abid Hospital, Mian Channu, and was operated by Dr. Abdul Saeed Sajid on 6.12.2020. Her gallbladder containing stones was successfully removed. Naseem stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in a stable condition. She has resumed her normal daily life activities.

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