Donate for Ume Aiman’s Ileostomy Reversal
Ume Aiman's Story
Before we dive into Ume Aiman’s medical history, we urge you to please donate for Ume Aiman’s Ileostomy Reversal. Ume Aiman had been suffering from severe abdominal pain and diarrhoea since birth. Her parents waited for some days for her condition to subside. However, after some days, her parents took her to a hospital for deteriorating health. Ume Aiman was diagnosed with an intestinal obstruction. The doctors conducted an exploratory laparotomy. An exploratory laparotomy is a surgical procedure in which the abdominal organs are examined for disease. As per the results, he doctors diagnosed Ume Aiman with an Ileocolic Intussusception. It is an intestinal obstruction which blocks food or fluid from passing through. Later, the doctors performed an ileostomy to create an artificial stoma on her stomach.
Now, as the final step, the doctors have advised Ume Aiman to undergo an ileostomy reversal surgery. This will restore her bowel continuity to normal. Accordingly, her parents visited various hospitals to seek affordable surgery. Unfortunately, they could not get much help. We urge you to please donate for Ume Aiman’s ileostomy reversal surgery. Ume Aiman’s father is the sole earner of the family. He works as a driver. Due to the rising inflation and pandemic lockdowns, he is unable to keep the household running. Let alone arrange for his daughter’s surgery. We urge you to please donate to Ume Aiman for her ileostomy reversal surgery.
“If my feet could speak, they would scream how far I have walked in search of the doctors who would treat my daughter for free. I have not been able to sleep for so long. The thought of my daughter’s ailment keeps me up all night. How would I arrange surgery for her? Transparent Hands is my last hope.” – Ume Aiman’s father
At last, Ume Aiman’s parents have registered her case with us. We have assured them that with your earnest help, we will be able to arrange free surgery for their daughter. Now, we urge you to please donate for Ume Aiman’s ileostomy reversal and put a little girl out of her misery.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Shafiq Khan
Donated: $ 188.04
Ghulam Murtaza
Donated: $ 183.55
Naseer Bokhari
Donated: $ 100
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 88.97
Mohammad Akbar Moghal
Donated: $ 50.28
Donated: $ 48.74
Shweta Jakkula
Donated: $ 25
Ume Aiman's Story
Ume Aiman, 3 years old, had a painful lump in her abdomen. Her exploratory laparotomy was performed at 3 months of age to diagnose her condition. It was found that she suffered from Ileocolic Intussusception (ICI) and the doctors performed an ileostomy on her. Later, an ileostomy reversal surgery was also advised. For this purpose, Ume Aiman was admitted in Akram Medical Complex and her surgery was performed by Dr. M. Bilal Mirza on 16.01.2021. Her ileostomy reversal by ileocolic anastomosis after adhesiolysis was done. She stayed in the hospital for five days and was discharged in a satisfactory condition. Ume Aiman’s condition has improved since her surgery.