Donate for Ume Maira’s Contracture Release and FTSG
Ume Maira's Story
Ume Maira is a three’s old toddler who needs your immediate help for her treatment to get over the effects of electrocution. Because of an accident caused by electric current, Ume Maira cannot straighten her finger anymore. What she needs right now is a contracture release procedure, a procedure that is performed by lengthening the tendon in question, thereby correcting the deformity. Ume Maira has been advised a full-thickness skin graft i.e. FTSG as well. These are commonly used to cover skin loss from affected areas. While there is no doubt on the effectiveness of the aforementioned procedures, there is no denying that they are quite expensive as well. And that’s why Ume Maira’s parents have not been able to afford the treatment for their little one, yet.
Ume Maira’s father is a painter by profession. He earns his family’s bread by filling other people’s lives with colors when his own life is a grey sketch of hardships & struggles. The reward for his arduous work is equivalent to the minimum monthly income of a daily wager. Providing for a family of seven, all of whom depend on Ume Maira’s father for their needs & wants, is already a mountainous feat that Ume Maira’s father is supposed to accomplish every month. Her daughter’s treatment, however, completely throws the equation out of balance. He says:
“I want my baby’s deformity gone forever, I want her pain to vanish as if it didn’t exist, at all. But life doesn’t work that way. I am a poor man who just cannot make her daughter’s pain go away. Am I the worst father or what?”
Battling with life all the time has pushed Maira’s father into a negative frame of mind. Transparent Hands promises to inject optimism back into Maira’s family, but with your help. You know the little angel’s story, you know what it takes to make her pain go away. So, without any further hesitation, delay for Ume Maira’s contracture release and FTSG NOW!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Syed D hassan
Donated: $ 215.76
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 181.12
Ali Zaidi
Donated: $ 154.48
Saad Saeed
Donated: $ 100
Shahmyel Tariq
Donated: $ 64.83
Tariq Ali Cheema
Donated: $ 38.80
Niala Saeed
Donated: $ 31.06
Sheheryar Sheikh
Donated: $ 26.73
Muhammad Usman Arshad
Donated: $ 16
Adil Shafqat
Donated: $ 15.89
Sam B
Donated: $ 10.51
Donated: $ 6.55
Romaisa Malik
Donated: $ 0.32
Ume Maira's Story
Ume Maira, aged 3 years, got electrocuted about two years ago. She was taken to the emergency for first aid management and advised dressings at home. Unfortunately, due to lack of care and inadequate physical therapy, her little finger of the right hand got contracture. Presently, she cannot straighten her finger anymore. On medical consultation, the doctor advised contracture release surgery and K wiring for her. For this purpose, she was admitted to Lahore Care Hospital and the surgery was performed by Dr. Imran Shehzad on 20.04.2021. She stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in a stable condition. Ume Maira has recovered from the surgery and started moving her finger now.