Donate Mishal Abid for her Anorectoplasty
Mishal Abid's Story
Mishal Abid is a 6 years old girl who studies in prep class with her sister. Mishal is a happy child who loves studying and playing with her sister and friends in her free time. They live in a small house with their parents and 3 maternal uncles and their families. Mishal’s father is a milk man and owns two buffalos. He earns a little amount every month by selling milk to houses in his village in Khanewal.
Mishal is a born patient of Recto Vaginal Fistula – Congenital Defect where back passage abnormally opens into genital tract. As a result, stool passes through vaginal orifice. She often complains of constipation and abdominal pain due to which her appetite is also being affected. She has taken many medicines for relief but her disease is still there bothering her every day. Recently, one of the doctors she visited told her parents about the defect and suggested that surgery is the only solution through which Mishal can get her normal passage. Her parents don’t have enough money to get her operated. They contacted a few local hospitals for free surgery but nobody paid attention to them. Luckily, they came to know about Transparent Hands through a friend in their village.
Mishal is now scheduled for her corrective surgery (Primary anterior sagittal Anorectoplasty – resulting in formation to natural passage on to skin) in a few days at Akram Medical Complex. This poor family needs your kind support for Mishal’s surgery. Please donate for her as much as you can so that she can get rid of her bothersome disease and continue going to school actively.
Donate for her surgery now!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 680.33
Mishal Abid's Story
Mishal Abid 6 years old baby girl was suffering from Anorectal Malformation (ARM) resulting in abnormal back passage opening onto the skin. She was advised surgery to construct her back passage at the normal site. Her surgery was done in Akram Medical Complex on 08-05-18 by Dr. Naveed Haider and her Primary Anorectoplasty was done. She stayed for four days in hospital with good post-operative recovery and discharged with her normally working back passage