Donate Muhammad Bashir for his Cholecystectomy
Muhammad Bashir's Story
Some people are not as lucky as us. They have to struggle every minute of their life so that they can also enjoy better standard of living.
Muhammad Bashir is one of those unfortunate people who have been living with immense pain for 8 months due to gall stones. He felt severe pain one day while he was working in shoe making factory. He rushed to nearby hospital from where he got treatment and medication. But his struggle didn’t stop here. Muhammad Bashir started experiencing several symptoms including vomiting, abdominal pain and digestive problem. He was also hospitalized when his health got worse.
He went to many hospitals in hope of permanent treatment but nobody paid proper attention to him. One of the doctors advised him to undergo surgical treatment as that is the only way through which he could get permanent relief. Bashir doesn’t have enough money to pay for his surgical cost. He works at a shoe making factory earning only 12,000 rupees a month. In such meager income, he has to meet the expenses of his family that include his old parents and wife.
Luckily Muhammad Bashir got to know about Transparent Hands through someone and he got registered here. He is now scheduled for his Cholecystectomy in around four weeks at Akram Medical Complex. Donate for his surgery as much as you can. Only with your help, Bashir will be able to undergo surgery that will allow him to heal completely and work without pain.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 359.89
Packages Foundation
Donated: $ 181.88
Donated: $ 21.47
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 18.97
Donated: $ 2
Muhammad Bashir's Story
Muhammad Bashir 35 years old was suffering from upper abdominal pain. He was diagnosed with Gallstone Pancreatitis and was treated with medicines. He advised surgery after full recovery of his Pancreatitis. His cholecystectomy was done on 15-11-17 in Akram Medical Complex by Dr Ahmed Fawad . He remained admitted for 2 days and had smooth post operative recovery. He was discharged in satisfactory condition.