Donate Pakeeza Raqab for her Heart Surgery
Pakeeza Raqib's Story
This 14 months old baby has a hole in her heart and needs your help to survive
Pakeeza is like any other 14 months old child. If one looks at her mischievous smile, it becomes difficult to even imagine how this little baby’s heart is making her weak from inside. Pakeeza was only 3 months old when she was diagnosed with Right Ventricular Outflow Tract.
Her parents say that, “most of the time, we don’t even feel like there is something wrong with our baby girl. She is so active and happy all the time. It is until we see her lying on the bed due to sudden fever, then we realize that how her heart is making her life miserable. We want to believe that our child will be fine but we cannot. She is unable to breathe properly. Whenever she cries, her skin turns blue. In the middle of night, she wakes up due to severe chest pain. We are dying from inside every second, seeing her in such a painful condition.”
Pakeeza’s parents took her to a specialized children hospital where doctor gave medicines for temporary relief. The doctors have advised surgery without which Pakeeza’s life would be filled with nothing but further complications. Her parents cannot afford to pay for her surgery. Pakeeza’s father works as a daily wage laborer and earns around 400 rupees a day. In such meager income, it is impossible for him to pay for the surgical expenses of his daughter. When somebody told them about Transparent Hands, they couldn’t be more than happier.
Pakeeza is now scheduled for her VSD closure and RVOT resection in a few days at Ittefaq Hospital. Her surgery will only be possible with your support. Your little contribution will help this 14 months old baby live a happy and healthy life.
Donate now and help Pakeeza in her battle of survival!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Packages Foundation
Donated: $ 1,964.30
Donated: $ 1,439.86
Qamar Islam
Donated: $ 291
Qasim Mueen
Donated: $ 185.53
Pakeeza Raqib's Story
Pakeeza 14 months old baby girl was presented with cough, shortness of breath and respiratory difficulty. She was diagnosed with Ventricular septal defect (VSD) and Pulmonary Stenosis (PS). She was advised surgical closure of VSD. heart surgery of Pakeeza was performed in Ittefaq Hospital on 15-07-18 by Dr. Salman A. Shah. Her VSD was closed and she stayed for 4 days in hospital till her complete recovery from an operation. She was discharged in good health without any respiratory difficulty.