Donate Sibtul Hassan for his Appendicectomy

Donate Sibtul Hassan for his Appendicectomy

100% Complete (success)
$ 218.45 Required
$ 218.45 Raised
0 Remaining

Sibtul Hassan's Story

If treatment is delayed, his appendix can complicate, causing infection and even his death. Donate for his surgery now!

Sibtul Hassan is a bright student of class 7. He has only one younger brother whom he loves a lot. This family lives in a small town of district Jhang. When Transparent Hands organized a medical camp in Jhang, this family came for Sibtul Hassan’s checkup. This poor child was crying in pain and was in need of urgent medical care. Doctors in the camp checked him and advised to undergo Appendicectomy.

Sibtul Hassan has been suffering from severe abdominal pain and vomiting for last few days. He took medicines from various doctors but only got relief for some time. He is diagnosed with Acute Appendicitis – Acute appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix, the narrow, finger-shaped organ that branches off the first part of the large intestine on the right side of the abdomen. Sibtul Hassan’s family don’t have money to treat him from any hospital. They went from door to door asking for help, but they failed. Luckily, they came to know about medical camp organized by Transparent Hands in their area and he was registered on the spot for surgical treatment.

Sibtul Hassan is now scheduled for Appendicectomy immediately at Abid Hospital. He is in severe pain these days and unable to go to school. Your little help can save this child from lifetime misery.

“My son needs urgent surgery without which he may face further health complications. I’m unable to afford the expensive surgery of my son as I earn meagre income. It’s my humble request to you to please donate for his surgery. Only your support can enable him to live a and grow up normally like other children” – Sibtul Hassan’s Father

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Imran Moinuddin

Donated: $ 218.45

Sibtul Hassan's Story

Sibtul Hassan 13 years old boy was experiencing pain in his Rt. Lower abdomen along with vomiting. He was diagnosed with acute appendicitis and was advised appendectomy. Hissurgery was done on 28-11-18 at Abid Hospital, Mian Channu by Dr Abdul Saeed Sajid. He recovered well in his two days of hospital stay and was discharged in good health.

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