Donate to Anaya Bibi for Her Colostomy Reversal Surgery
Anaya Bibi's Story
Anaya Bibi, one-year-nine-months old, is a diagnosed case of rectovestibular fistula since her birth. Her anal opening is not at its proper place. This is a kind of anorectal malformation that requires surgical correction. Hence, when she was 7 days old, her parents took her to a doctor who performed colostomy and made an opening in her tummy. As a result, she has been passing stool through that opening. She was advised another major surgery to make her back passage. This surgery was performed through the support of Transparent Hands foundation. Now, the doctors have advised to close her colostomy which was made at the time of her birth.
Anaya’s father is a security guard and earns PKR 15,000 per month. They reside in Gilgit-Baltistan. There is no medical facility equipped with enough amenities to treat a case like this in that area. So, they have visited local hospitals in Islamabad multiple times. Unfortunately, no one has taken up their case. The private facilities cost too much for this surgery. Her parents are extremely worried for the health of their daughter since they cannot fund the procedure through their own pocket.
“My daughter was born with a congenital defect. Because of this, she has visited hospitals too many times in her short life. I wish for her suffering to end”. – Anaya’s father.
Since Anaya’s family has no other option, they have again contacted our organization to help them collect funds for their daughter’s surgery and we have taken up their case.
Anaya needs your donations on an urgent basis for her surgery. Your financial support would help her lead a normal life. Make a generous donation for her!
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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Bonnie Patel
Donated: $ 665.23
Vijay Puniani
Donated: $ 121.47
Be kind
Donated: $ 112.63
Donated: $ 82.74
Abbas Ali Chaudary
Donated: $ 80
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Donated: $ 14
Anaya Bibi's Story
Anaya Bibi, 1.9 years old, was diagnosed with anorectal malformation at the time of her birth. Her colostomy was done and later on, her back passage was created through PSARP surgery. After that, the surgeon recommended a colostomy reversal surgery for her. For this purpose, she was admitted in Maryam Memorial Hospital and the procedure was performed by Dr. Naeem Liaqat on 23.11.2020. Anaya’s colostomy reversal was done successfully and her bowel continuity was restored. She stayed in the hospital for six days and was discharged in a stable condition. Her post-operative recovery was satisfactory.