Donate to Asia Babar for Her Colostomy Closure
Asia Babar's Story
Asia Babar, 7 years of age, was born with anorectal malformation- a congenital condition resulting in a malformed stool passage. At birth, her doctor performed a colostomy on her to make a temporary passage for stool. 5 years later, corrective surgery known as posterior sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP) was performed on her in which her intestinal continuity was restored. She was scheduled for a third and final surgery soon after, in which her colostomy was to be closed. But despite repeated visits for the past 2 years, the hospital didn’t follow through with the appointment.
Asia’s father is unable to have her surgery conducted at a private hospital because the costs are too high. He has a total of 6 children that he has to support on a daily wager’s salary of 10,000 PKR a month. He is worried about her daughter because her schooling has been on hold for almost 5 years now. To seek help, he approached Transparent Hands.
“She sees all her siblings go to school, do homework, and have fun in the playground. She is unable to join in because she fears that other children won’t accept her because of her condition. We all try to be supportive but on the inside, it breaks my heart to see my little daughter upset.” – Asia’s father.
He hopes that with your help, his daughter can have her final surgery and recover completely from her congenital condition.
Please help Asia out!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Launch Good
Donated: $ 626.71
Donated: $ 257.30
Donated: $ 3.55
Feroz Khan
Donated: $ 1.99
Feroz Dinah
Donated: $ 0.01
Asia Babar's Story
Asia Babar, 7 years old, had her colostomy made at neonatal age for anorectal malformation- rectovaginal fistula present since birth. After this, her back passage was formed in another surgery and now she was advised surgery to reverse her colostomy. Her surgery was done on 20-04-20 in Lahore Care Hospital, by Dr Sajid Nayyer. Her colostomy was closed and intestinal continuity was restored. She recovered well in 4 days of hospital stay and was discharged in good health.