Donate to Azeem Ahmad for His AV Fistula Formation
Azeem Ahmad's Story
Azeem Ahmad, age 50, got diagnosed with end-stage renal disease very recently. He was rushed to the hospital because of sudden unconsciousness, and his diagnostic tests were conducted to investigate his condition. The results revealed that both his kidneys are barely functional. Post diagnosis, his kidneys have been washed 8 times and he has now been advised to have dialysis twice a week. For dialysis, Azeem requires the formation of an AV fistula on his arm but he cannot afford to get this procedure done.
Azeem’s job only pays him 20,000 PKR/month. Since he does not own a house of his own, he lives with his wife and two children in a rented house that costs him 7000 PKR/month, with the rest of the income covering the expenses of his family.
“I arranged for my dialysis with great difficulty by borrowing part of the money from relatives and partly getting an advance on my salary. But I do not have the means to cover the added cost of this procedure they have to do on my arm before I can start treatment. I cannot extend my loans any further.” – Azeem Ahmad
To help Azeem get started with his dialysis as soon as possible, please consider donating to him for his AV fistula formation today.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
TK World Group
Donated: $ 182.96
Donated: $ 83.24
Azeem Ahmad's Story
Azeem Ahmad, 47 years old, was suffering from chronic kidney disease as well as hypertension. He was advised to get hemodialysis through an arteriovenous (AV) fistula formation on the right arm. Dr. Ubaid Ullah treated him on 29-07-20 in Lahore Care Hospital and the AV fistula formation for his right arm was made surgically. He remained admitted for a day and was discharged in good health.