Donate to Ghania Rashid for Her C-Section

Donate to Ghania Rashid for Her C-Section

Zakat Eligible Ghania Rashid
100% Complete (success)
$ 417.46 Required
$ 417.46 Raised
0 Remaining

Ghania Rashid's Story

Ghania Rashid, 21 years old, is pregnant with her second child and is 24 weeks along. Her daughter was delivered through C-section as normal labor wasn’t possible due to complications. The surgery was carried out at a private hospital with the help of a loan that this couple took from relatives. This time again, the doctor has advised Ghania to undergo an operation for delivery but she and her husband cannot afford the costs as they still haven’t paid off the previous loan in full.

Sunil Javaid, Ghania’s husband, earns around 19,000-20,000 PKR a month by working as a laborer. Out of this, 4500 PKR is spent just on rent. With the rest, he struggles to meet the basic day-to-day needs of his family.

“We are not in a position to borrow money and, after months of struggle, we have failed to get a free appointment at a local hospital as well. Our only hope now is financial assistance from Transparent Hands and for that, we appeal to all the donors: Please help us.” – Ghania’s husband, Sunil Javaid

Please give this couple a chance to have another child. Donate to them to make sure their baby arrives, safe and healthy.

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 faisal masud

Donated: $ 337.05

 Medicare Health Foundation

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 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 5

Ghania Rashid's Story

Ghania Rashid, 23 years old, was about to have her 2nd childbirth. She had surgeries done for previous childbirths. This time she was advised elective surgery again. Her C-section was done on 13-07-20 in Noor Medicare Hospital, by Dr. Aisha Muzzafar. She was happy to give birth to a baby girl. She stayed for 2 days in the hospital and was discharged along with her healthy baby.

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