Donate to Haseena Batool for Her PDA Device Closure
Haseena Batool's Story
Around half a year ago, Haseena’s parents took her to a medical camp near their village for a routine check-up. The doctor there noticed that her heart-rate is abnormally high and recommended further investigation. Haseena’s father, Muzaffar, visited the local doctor in their village who referred them to a cardiologist in Lahore. Muzaffar immediately brought Haseena to Lahore for consultation. Routine investigation revealed that she has patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). There is a direct connection between two main blood vessels in a baby’s heart while it is still in the womb. This connection eventually closes up after birth. If it stays open and is of a large size, it can cause complications. In Haseena’s case, that connection is open and it has led to volume overload. If not treated urgently, this symptom could lead to heart failure. In order to restore her condition to normal, she requires a cardiac procedure- a PDA device closure.
“Ever since my first husband passed away, I have been over-protective of my children. I want to look out for them and keep them safe from all harm. When we found out that Haseena requires cardiac intervention, I immediately gathered all my valuables to raise money for it. Unfortunately, we have never been well-off and don’t have much to our name. We didn’t even come close to the required amount. I do not want to fail my daughter because of poverty but what else is there in my power to do?”– Haseena’s mother
Haseena’s parents belong to a humble village in Baltistan. The family has a small house in which Haseena, her sister, her parents, and her 3 step-siblings live. 4 of the children, including Haseena, attend school. Her elder step-brother mainly supports the family with his monthly income of 12,000 PKR. Accommodating Haseena’s medical expenses is impossible for the family because often, it is difficult for them to make ends meet. For that reason, Haseena’s treatment has been stalled for several months. Finally, her parents contacted Transparent Hands.
They hope that through your donations, their 7-year-old daughter can get the necessary surgery to save her life.
Please donate to Haseena.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Launch Good
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Haseena Batool's Story
Haseena Batool, 7 years old, was suffering from bluish discoloration of her skin. She was diagnosed to have patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). She was advised device occlusion of PDA to prevent her cyanotic spells. Her procedure was done in Ittefaq Hospital, by Dr. Najam Haider, on 11-03-20. She was discharged in a stable condition after one day of hospital stay.