Donate to Khalid Mehmood for His Cardiac Surgery
Khalid Mehmood's Story
45-year-old Khalid Mehmood’s heart problem started 15 years ago when he experienced severe angina at work. He was rushed to the hospital, where his ECG was done. His doctor prescribed medicines and recommended angiography for further investigation, however, due to a shortage of money, Khalid was unable to get the procedure done. He continued taking the prescribed medicines but a few years later, he had a heart attack. In the following decade, he had two more heart attacks, the last one just a few months ago.
“It feels like we almost lost him three times. We are all in a constant state of anxiety now, thinking that any minute, we could receive a call telling us he has had another heart attack. It is only a matter of time before he has an attack and doesn’t make it. The worst part is that the condition is treatable, yet, we are helpless at the hands of our financial circumstances.” – Khalid’s son
After Khalid’s last heart attack, he was admitted to a local hospital. The doctors performed his angiography which revealed that he has triple vessel disease- a condition in which the three main vessels of the heart are blocked. They advised him to undergo open-heart surgery as soon as possible but failed to give him an urgent appointment. Since then, Khalid has been trying to get an appointment as early as possible but has not been successful. With only a salary of 15,000 to support himself, his wife and three children, he cannot afford to have the surgery at a private hospital.
Khalid has approached Transparent Hands to request urgent help. He hopes that with enough donations, he can finally have the surgery that will put his life out of danger.
Please donate to him!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 3,184.68
Qasim Mueen
Donated: $ 208.29
Khawaja Nabeel Imtiaz
Donated: $ 40
Svetlana S
Donated: $ 30
Aqeel Mohamed Abdullah Ghuloom
Donated: $ 20
Adnan Shah
Donated: $ 20
Romaisa Malik
Donated: $ 2.65
Qirsa Rasheed
Donated: $ 0.65
Donated: $ 0.65
Khalid Mehmood's Story
Khalid Mehmood, 49 years old, was experiencing severe pain in his chest area and was diagnosed with an ischemic heart disease 15 years ago. His percutaneous intervention (PCI) was done and it was found that an angioplasty would not be possible. He was advised to get a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). His surgery was done at National Hospital on 08-08-20 by Dr Tayyab Pasha. His operation was a success and he was later discharged in good health, returning back to his normal life.