Donate to Kousar’s LSC Section
Kousar Khurram's Story
The prospect of holding your newborn in your arms sure is an ecstatic thought. The occasion is twice as happy for the mother. She keeps thinking of names and newer ways to provide her child with the maximum amount of love and comfort. Kousar Khurram needs your help to bring her child into the world safely and without any complexity. Therefore, we request you to please donate to Kousar’s LSC section.
Thirty-six years old Kousar is expecting her first child after many years of marriage. Due to her complicated medical history of uterine fibroids and myomectomy surgery, the doctor has advised her to undergo a C-section to deliver the baby. Transparent Hands arranged for her myomectomy as well. Now her surgery would prevent any possible harm to the baby and the mother. Without the C section, Kousar’s and the baby’s life would stay compromised.
“I am very happy right now. In just two months, I will be able to hold my baby into my arms and squish his face with kisses. But, sometimes, a cloud of worry takes over me. The lady doctor tells me that mine and my kid’s life is in danger if I do not get a C Section. I do not have the means for it, and I need your help.” -Kousar.
Kousar’s husband works as an Uber driver. With COVID imposed lockdowns and a deteriorating economy, their financial situation has worsened over the last year. Therefore, he is not in a position to arrange for his wife’s surgical procedure.
Per her doctor’s suggestion, Kousar and her husband have registered her case with Transparent Hands. We are determined to prevent any expected harm to her and her unborn baby. But, we need your earnest help with that. Therefore, we request you to please donate to Kousar’s LSC section. Donate as much as you can.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 332.91
Donated: $ 206.77
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 30
Faisal khalid
Donated: $ 16.03
Kousar Khurram's Story
Kousar Khurram, aged 36 years, was expecting her first child. She previously underwent a myomectomy for her fibroid uterus for the treatment of her infertility. This procedure was conducted with the help of Transparent Hands team. Her gynecologist advised a lower segment Caesarean section for her first baby’s safe delivery. For this purpose, Kousar was admitted to Akram Medical Complex and her surgery was performed by Dr. Asia Nasir on 31.03.2021. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Kousar stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in a stable condition. Both mother and baby are doing well.