Donate to Muhammad Ali for His Ileostomy Closure
Muhammad Ali's Story
“For a parent, a child’s accident is the worst nightmare. When my neighbors informed me that Ali had been rushed to the hospital, I felt like the ground had slipped from underneath me. I thank God every day that even though it was a serious injury, he made it and is doing quite well now. All he needs is one final surgery to recover completely and I hope that we can find help soon, so he can have it.” – Muhammad Ali’s father.
Muhammad Ali, aged 10, was returning home on his bicycle when he took a sharp turn and fell. The bicycle handle hit his tummy hard and resulted in internal damage to his intestines. He had intestinal perforation, a dangerous condition in which a hole forms in the intestine.
Intestinal perforation requires immediate medical attention because if left untreated, it can cause internal bleeding and widespread infection. Ali was rushed to his local hospital where he had his first surgery for free. In this surgery, his intestinal continuity was interrupted and an ileostomy was made. Now, since his intestine has healed, in order to restore normal gut function, he requires an ileostomy closure.
Ali’s father, Muhammad Nauman, has been trying for several months to arrange for his son’s final surgery at the same hospital he had his first surgery but he has not succeeded so far. Nauman cannot otherwise afford the medical costs because he has to pay 6000 PKR rent and support 7 family members on a meager income of 25,000 PKR a month. A friend of his informed him of Transparent Hands so he has reached out hoping that his son’s surgery can be arranged as early as possible.
With timely help from you, we can make Muhammad Ali’s surgery a possibility.
Please donate to him at the earliest.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 374.29
Donated: $ 52.74
Sadiya Lakhi
Donated: $ 50
Reza Sufi
Donated: $ 50
Mian Usman Anis
Donated: $ 45.84
Muhammad Abu Bakar
Donated: $ 16.13
Donated: $ 2
Muhammad Ali's Story
Muhammad Ali, 8 years old, was suffering from intestinal perforation due to blunt trauma to his abdomen. His ileostomy was made 4 months ago. Now, he was advised surgery for ileostomy closure. He remained admitted for 4 days in Akram Medical Complex and was treated by Dr. Naveed Haider on 05-06-20. Ali was discharged in good health.