Donate to Muhammad Kabir for His Open-Heart Surgery
Muhammad Kabir's Story
Muhammad Kabir, 11 years old, started exhibiting chronic adverse symptoms like breathlessness, irritability, and a poor appetite a few days after birth. His father, Jamshade Khan, took him to a local hospital in Peshawar for a check-up. The doctor there ran his ECHO test, which revealed that he has a congenital heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). He has four different abnormalities in his heart, all of which affect his heart’s structure and circulation. It was also discovered that he has a small ventricular septal defect (VSD) – a condition in which there is a hole in the wall that divides the lower chambers of the heart. In order for Kabir’s heart to function normally, he requires open-heart surgery- a total correction.
Jamshade Khan earns a farmer’s wage of 12,000 PKR a month. He has 5 children apart from Kabir, all of whom attend school. Jamshade is the only earning hand in the family and has to struggle a lot to meet his family’s monthly basic needs. He does not own a house either and lives in a small cottage temporarily granted to him by his landlord.
“We had the option of getting Kabir’s operation done at a local hospital in our city. But when we went there, the doctors told us that there is no guarantee he would survive. We sought a second opinion in Lahore and the doctors here reassured us that he can be cured but they demanded a lot of money for the surgery; money that I did not have. I am all out of options now. Knowing that he can be cured but I can’t afford it makes me feel all the more powerless.”– Jamshade Khan
Owing to a shortage of resources, despite the urgency of Kabir’s condition, he has still not been able to have his surgery. Jamshade Khan found out about Transparent Hands through a patient during one of his visits to the hospital and immediately requested help for his son.
Your donations to Kabir can help us arrange for his cardiac surgery and put his life out of danger.
Please consider supporting him.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 1,948.05
Donated: $ 1,583.13
Donated: $ 999
Amir Ebad Khan
Donated: $ 284
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 268.99
Abbas Ali Chaudary
Donated: $ 228.04
Waseem & Maria Sheikh
Donated: $ 200
Bazal kabir
Donated: $ 150
Badar Farrukh
Donated: $ 100
Donated: $ 97.74
Donated: $ 93.41
Salma iqbal
Donated: $ 67.83
Salman Ahmed Khan
Donated: $ 64.94
Aqsa Ch
Donated: $ 62.06
Nadir Tayyab
Donated: $ 59.96
Qasim Mueen
Donated: $ 50
Sarah Qureshi
Donated: $ 50
tariq qureshi
Donated: $ 50
Mohammed Syed
Donated: $ 50
Hassan Amin
Donated: $ 50
Donated: $ 50
Waqar Mirza
Donated: $ 50
Donated: $ 50
Azhar Ali
Donated: $ 46
Virginia Sparkman
Donated: $ 40
Shanza Sohail
Donated: $ 31.14
muhammad fahad azhar
Donated: $ 31.03
Shariq hussain
Donated: $ 30
Dawood Aslam
Donated: $ 28.60
Siddhartha Roth
Donated: $ 25
Hafeez UR-Rahman
Donated: $ 25
Donated: $ 20.25
Abubakar Kenchi
Donated: $ 20
Ikramah Nazir
Donated: $ 20
Gasser Rezeika
Donated: $ 20
Raghib Maqsood
Donated: $ 18.72
Donated: $ 16.23
Donated: $ 16
Zonaib Shahid Latif
Donated: $ 10.99
Donated: $ 10
Mohammad Sheeban
Donated: $ 10
Ayesha Mumtaz
Donated: $ 10
Haseeb Mansoor
Donated: $ 7.02
Faryal Akhtar
Donated: $ 6.79
Sheraz Hamid Wyne
Donated: $ 6.26
N Nawaz
Donated: $ 6
M Essmaeel Ali Jami
Donated: $ 5
Ciprian-Mugurel Nechita
Donated: $ 5
Donated: $ 4.07
Romaisa Malik
Donated: $ 3.92
Raja Muhammad Nabeel Ullah Khan
Donated: $ 2
Romaisa Feroze
Donated: $ 1.25
Mufaddal M Fidaali
Donated: $ 1
Laiba butt
Donated: $ 0.71
Donated: $ 0.62
Muhammad Kabir's Story
11-year-old Muhammad Kabir was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and absent pulmonary valve (APV) and was advised open heart surgery for total correction and pulmonary valve replacement. For this purpose, he was admitted in Ittefaq hospital and the surgery was performed by Dr. Muhammad Asim Khan on 10.10.2020 . Kabir stayed in the hospital for seven days and was discharged in a stable condition. He has recovered from this open heart surgery and resumed his routine life. The surgery was conducted with the support of Pakistan Children Heart foundation and other donors.
“I am very grateful to the donors for granting my son another chance at life by funding for his major heart surgery. His health is much better now.”- Muhammad Kabir’s father