Donate to Muhammad Zain for His Neurosurgery
Muhammad Zain 's Story
Muhammad Zain, 2 months old, was born normal but just a few days after birth, he started exhibiting twitching and jerking in his body as well as an increase in the head size. His parents took him to the nearest local hospital for a checkup. They were referred to the neurology ward of another pediatric hospital where, after a customary check-up, Zain and his parents were sent home. A week later, his body jerks started again and upon another visit to the same hospital, he was diagnosed with hydrocephalus- a condition in which there is an abnormal buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain cavities resulting in enlargement of the head size. This time, the doctor advised Zain’s parents to arrange for his VP shunt surgery in which excessive fluid will be drained to his abdominal cavity.
“Before Zain, my elder son was the only child. We tried to have a second child for so long but unfortunately, I lost two daughters right after they were born. Then we had Zain, God’s second gift to us. When he started experiencing these tremors, it was the worst day of our life. We were terrified we would lose him. Even though the doctor says that Zain can make it with timely surgery, I am still afraid all the time because to arrange for a surgery like that is so beyond our reach.” – Zain’s mother
Zain’s father, Zeeshan Butt, is a fruit vendor who earns merely 14,000 to 15,000 PKR a month to support his wife and 2 children. Rent alone costs him 5000 PKR a month. Adding monthly household expenditures as well as the expenses of Zain’s medication to this leaves him with nothing to spare. Since it is not at all possible for him to afford the cost of expensive neurosurgery on his own, he has appealed to Transparent Hands for aid.
If Zain’s neurosurgery is successful, he’ll be able to live a normal life. This is only possible with the help of your donations.
Please contribute to his operation.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
ALLAH ka banda
Donated: $ 300
Donated: $ 260
deeba mir
Donated: $ 141.23
Qasim Mueen
Donated: $ 100
Feroz Khan
Donated: $ 100
sumaiya nathani
Donated: $ 76.05
Ahmed Ashfaq
Donated: $ 2
Muhammad Zain 's Story
Muhammad Zain, 3 months old, had an enlarged head size because of hydrocephalus. He was advised surgery to place a VP shunt for the relief of pressure in his skull. His surgery was done in Lahore Care Hospital, on 08-05-20, by Dr. Ibrar Khan in which a VP shunt was placed. He stayed for 3 days in the hospital and had a good post-op recovery. He was discharged in a satisfactory condition.