Donate to Naatan Masih Gori for his Open Heart Surgery
Naatan Masih Gori 's Story
“In the middle of nights, he wakes up crying and screaming due to stabbing pain in his chest. Sometimes he feels difficulty in breathing and loses his consciousness. I’ve to keep an eye on him constantly otherwise his condition may turn worse. I cannot hold my tears back when I look at my child. He is going through so much pain and I cannot do anything for him but watch him suffer. He has survived 3 years of his life miraculously but now, doctors have warned us to arrange funds for his heart surgery, otherwise, anything worse could happen to him.” – Naatan’s mother
3 years old Naatan become the apple of everyone’s eyes when he was born. He was a bubbly, cute and chubby baby who never stopped smiling. But now, one cannot recognize him. Little Naatan is suffering from a heart defect – Tetralogy of Fallot (a combination of four congenital abnormalities including a ventricular septal defect (VSD), pulmonary valve stenosis, a misplaced aorta and a thickened right ventricular wall (right ventricular hypertrophy).
He looked fine when he was born. As soon as he turned 1, his parents noticed something was wrong with him as he stopped growing. That’s when they got him examined and found about his heart defect. Doctors advised him surgery to repair his heart but his parents are not able to cover the cost of his surgery. Naatan managed to live with his heart disease for 2 years but now, his health condition has worsened to the point where he cannot even get up and sit properly. The doctor has warned his parents to arrange money for his surgery or his heart can stop beating any moment.
Donate, because his survival is in your hands now
With your generous support, Naatan can live a normal life like his siblings. His parents are in desperate need of your help to save their son. Please donate for his heart surgery. Even a single penny means a lot to this family.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 1,711.96
Packages Foundation
Donated: $ 1,279.69
Donated: $ 541.81
Arshad Mehmood
Donated: $ 129.87
Zahra Ashtar
Donated: $ 100
Hassan Amin
Donated: $ 50
Dawood Aslam
Donated: $ 44.58
Ali Saeed
Donated: $ 40
R M Naeem
Donated: $ 35
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 30
Donated: $ 16.23
Imran Sheikh
Donated: $ 11
Ikramah Nazir
Donated: $ 10
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 10
Nayyer Nadir
Donated: $ 10
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 5
Donated: $ 3
Naatan Masih Gori 's Story
Natan Masih, 3 years old, had breathlessness and cyanosis on mild exertion since birth. He was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and advised open heart surgery for corrective repair. His surgery was done at Ittefaq Hospital through Pakistan Children Heart Foundation on 08-10-19 by Dr Salman A Shah and total correction was done. He had good post-operative recovery and was discharged in stable condition after 8 days of hospital stay.