Donate to Naila Bibi for Her Cholecystectomy
Naila Bibi's Story
“I have four children and they are all young and quite dependent on me. We spend everything on their well being because everything we have is for them. So, I haven’t been able to get the necessary operation yet. It’s a sacrifice any mother would make.” – Naila Bibi
Naila Bibi, age 31 years, has been suffering from symptomatic gallstones for over a year now. Because of this, she experiences abdominal stretch, severe pain, and nausea often. So far, she has been treating her symptoms with painkillers but the permanent solution to her problem is a cholecystectomy– the removal of the gallbladder.
Naila got married only 11 years ago and has 2 sons and 2 daughters, all of whom are of a young, school-going age. Her husband assists an electrician with his work and is paid around 500 PKR/day or 12,000 PKR/month on average. With 4 children to raise, money is always tight for this couple. For this very reason, Naila has not yet sought treatment for the adverse symptoms she experiences on a daily basis.
When one of her husband’s friends asked them to contact Transparent Hands, she immediately got her case registered.
Naila’s cholecystectomy has been arranged to take place at a good quality hospital. Please donate to her as much as you can to make sure she finds relief soon.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 185.77
Donated: $ 100
Rashad A Nasir
Donated: $ 80
Stephanie A Hargett
Donated: $ 30
Kanwal Altaf
Donated: $ 26.78
Launch Good
Donated: $ 12.10
Umer Rana
Donated: $ 10
Nimotalahi A King
Donated: $ 10
Naila Bibi's Story
Naila, 31 years old, was suffering from pain in the right hypochondriac area with vomiting. She was diagnosed with acute cholecystitis. Her lap. cholecystectomy surgery was done in Abid Hospital, Mian Channu, by Dr. Abdul Saeed Sajid, on 02-06-20. She was discharged in a good condition after 2 days of stay in the hospital.