Donate to Noor Fatima for Her Colostomy Closure
Noor Fatima's Story
“I couldn’t believe my luck when I came to TH for my daughter’s first operation and was told that TH will register my case and will collect donations to cure my child. I thought it was too good to be true but it happened. I trust that we will be helped again. I have faith in all the people who come to this organization to help people like us out.” – Noor Fatima’s father
4-year-old Noor Fatima is a patient of anorectal malformation. Her anus and rectum didn’t develop properly at birth. Noor was diagnosed with this disease when she was only one and a half years old. Initially, she underwent a colostomy procedure at a local hospital. Following that, she had her ASARP surgery through Transparent Hands in which her back passage for stool was constructed. Since Noor’s stool passage can work independently now, she does not require an open colostomy anymore and is here for a colostomy closure.
Unfortunately, Noor’s father, a security guard, cannot afford to pay for his daughter’s treatment. He earns only 12,000 PKR a month to support himself, his wife, and 4 children.
Noor is just one small step away from a completely normal childhood. You supported her once before; please help her through this final step as well.
Please donate today for her colostomy closure.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Launch Good
Donated: $ 572.90
Dr. Salma Ali
Donated: $ 50
Ahmed Albaneh
Donated: $ 10
Aisha Tousif
Donated: $ 10
Mohd ibrahim
Donated: $ 5
Muhammad Z. Azhar
Donated: $ 3
Hodari HarrisII
Donated: $ 2
Noor Fatima's Story
Noor Fatima, 3 years and 8 months old, was suffering from an anorectal malformation which resulted in an absent back passage and abnormal opening into genital tract- recto vestibular fistula (an abnormal connection between the lower portion of your large intestine— your rectum — and the female genital). She was advised to get a surgery for the construction of her back passage. The surgery took place at Akram Medical Complex on 09-08-20 by Dr Naveed Haider. She remained admitted in the hospital for four days with a good post-operative recovery status and was discharged in a stable condition. Noor Fatima has now resumed a normal life, just like other children her age.