Donate to Rehana Kauser for Her Cholecystectomy and Hernia Repair
Rehana Kauser's Story
47-year-old Rehana Kauser is currently presenting with cholelithiasis- a condition in which stones develop in the gallbladder leading to rapidly intensifying abdominal pain and vomiting. She also has a paraumbilical hernia that adds to her symptoms of pain and nausea and causes even more abdominal stretch. She requires a lap. cholecystectomy for the removal of her gallbladder followed by an anatomical repair of her hernia. Otherwise, the multiple health problems will only worsen her symptoms.
Her condition persisted for several months before Rehana finally went to her local doctor for even a basic checkup.
“I was putting off going to the doctor. I don’t have money for doctor’s fees because I don’t have a job. My husband passed away due to liver cancer, leaving me all alone with 6 children to support. Looking after them is a full-time job so my brothers help me out financially. And I did not want to add any more expenses to their list so I told myself to just keep my chin up and live with the condition. But I am vomiting all the time so it soon became noticeable that I am really ill. That is when my eldest brother forced me to go get checked up.” – Rehana Kauser
Rehana’s brothers provide her with a monthly stipend of 8000 PKR to meet her and her children’s needs. Since she cannot leave her children to go work, she has to live very frugally to accommodate all her expenses in this small amount. With low-paid jobs and families of their own, her brothers cannot provide her the support she needs to have her surgeries either.
Rehana’s only way to relief is through you.
To help us arrange for her operations as early as possible, please donate to her case today.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 380.85
Waqar Mirza
Donated: $ 50
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 10
Donated: $ 10
Badar Farrukh
Donated: $ 3.68
Rehana Kauser's Story
Rehana Kauser, 47 years old, was suffering from pain in the right hypochondriac area with vomiting. She was diagnosed with chronic cholecystitis and a paraumbilical hernia. Her lap. cholecystectomy surgery and anatomical PUH were done in Abid Hospital, Mian Channu, by Dr. Abdul Saeed Sajid, on 12-07-20. She was discharged in a good condition after 2 days of her stay in the hospital.