Donate to Saba Nazir for Her VP Shunt Surgery
Saba Nazir's Story
20 years old Saba Nazir had been complaining about a headache for the past one month. Soon after, the headache extended to fever, nausea and vomiting. Due to high fever, Saba went unconscious and her parents took her to the nearest private hospital for checkup. Seeing the gravity of her condition, the doctor immediately admitted her in the hospital and kept her there for 19 days.
There, she was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus – a condition in which fluid accumulates in the brain, enlarging the head and causing brain damage.
The doctor has advised Saba Nazir to undergo Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt surgery as soon as possible. In cerebral shunt surgery a hollow catheter (shunt) is surgically placed in the brain to drain cerebrospinal fluid and redirect it to another location in the body where it can be reabsorbed.
Saba’s parents have spent all their life savings on their daughter’s treatment and now they are in no position to bear the cost of her surgery. They have circled back and forth to various local hospitals but unfortunately, they could not get any help.
“The ground beneath my feet gets swept away every time I look at my daughter. She doesn’t even have words to describe her searing pain. She looks so frail, it scares me. Please help us get my daughter back on her feet. I don’t have the heart to see her bedridden.” – Saba Nazir’s mother
As a last resort to bring their daughter’s health back to normal, Saba’s parents have registered her case at Transparent Hands. We hope that through your kind financial help, we will be able to arrange a free surgery for her. Please donate to Saba Nazir for her VP shunt surgery so she can continue her studies.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Saba Nazir's Story
Saba Nazir, 20 years old, suffered from headache and high grade fever. After investigation, the doctors diagnosed her condition as post meningitis hydrocephalus. She was advised VP shunt surgery for relief. The surgery was performed by Dr. Abrar Ullah Khan on 27-11-20 at Lahore Care Hospital, Lahore. Her postoperative course was complicated by blockage of shunt for which her second surgery was done to explore for the blockage. She remained admitted in the hospital for eleven days during which she recovered well and was later discharged in a good and stable condition.