Donate to Saddique for His Mesh Hernioplasty
Muhammad Saddique 's Story
Muhammad Saddique, aged 55 years, a resident of Zila Qasur, suffered from intense abdominal pain and discomfort. He also had a lump in the central abdominal region. When the pain did not subside, he decided to consult a doctor. On medical examination, Saddqiue was diagnosed to have a paraumbilical hernia. The doctor advised its surgical correction. Saddique underwent surgery and his hernia was fixed. This happened around four years ago.
One year after the surgery, the lump reappeared and started causing abdominal pain again. Saddique decided to not consult a doctor as he had been operated on already. However, as the pain increased over the span of three years, he decided to go to a local hospital. He was diagnosed with a recurrent paraumbilical hernia in his central abdominal region. The doctor advised mesh hernioplasty for him. In this surgical procedure, a mesh patch made of synthetic material is sewn over weakened abdominal tissue. This prevents the recurrence of hernias.
Saddique wanted a permanent solution to his problem but he did not have the means to pay for his surgery. He works as a labourer and earns only PKR 10,000 per month. In this small amount, the monthly expenditures of his entire household need to be managed.
Desperate, he visited multiple local hospitals for an appointment but was not facilitated. A doctor advised him to visit our office. He immediately paid us a visit. We registered his case. Saddique expressed his gratitude in the following words:
“I have been suffering from my hernia problem for years now. When the Transparent Hands team agreed to conduct my surgery, I was very relieved. They were my very last hope.”
This old man needs the surgery as soon as possible. Your donations can bring him one step closer to leading a healthy life. So, we request you to donate generously for him.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Bank Islami
Donated: $ 599.43
Muhammad Saddique 's Story
Muhammad Saddique, aged 58 years, a resident of Kasur felt extreme pain in his abdomen four years ago. Muhammad Saddique went to a hospital and the doctor diagnosed him with a Paraumbilical Hernia. The doctors operated on the patient. But after one year, the patient felt severe abdominal pain again. After evaluation, the doctor diagnosed him with recurrent Paraumbilical Hernia. The doctor advised him to have a mesh Hernioplasty. For this reason, Muhammad Saddique was admitted to Akram Medical Complex where the surgery was performed by Dr. Ahmed Fawad on 28.08.2021. Muhammad Saddique stayed in the hospital for two days after which he was discharged in a stable condition. Muhammad Saddique is grateful to Almighty for relieving him off the pain.