Donate to Shamim Mai for Her Eye Surgery
Shamim Mai's Story
“Before I had cataract surgery, I was really afraid because the idea of eye surgery scared me. But after I had the surgery, I was relieved because I could see again, and that was the greatest gift of all. Unfortunately, it only lasted a short period of time. My vision started getting cloudy once again, in the very same eye, and my doctor told me another surgery was needed. Now I’m back to being afraid and worried. ” – Shamim Mai
Shamim Mai, 56 years old, is suffering from posterior capsular opacification (PCO) of her right eye. This condition, also known as secondary cataract, often occurs as a result of previous cataract surgery. To improve her clouded vision, Shamim Mai requires laser eye surgery known as a Yag capsulotomy but she, unfortunately, cannot afford this surgery.
Shamim Mai’s husband works at a tailor shop and earns 600-1000 PKR daily, which brings his monthly income to about 25,000 PKR on average. The couple has 4 children, three of whom are married and live separately. Their 12-year-old son still lives with them. This family of three lives in a small rented space in Multan that costs them 4000 PKR/month. Despite living very frugally, it is still difficult to get by on such a restricted income and Shamim Mai is not able to accommodate the costs of her operation into her monthly budget. She is hoping that donations through Transparent Hands can come to her rescue.
Please back us with your support so we can assist Shamim Mai with her laser eye surgery. Helping is as simple as clicking Donate Now and sending a contribution.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Launch Good
Donated: $ 43.53
Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust Hospital
Donated: $ 15
Shamim Mai's Story
Shamim Mai, 56 years old, was suffering from PCO (a condition in which a cloudy layer of scar tissue forms behind your lens implant) in the right eye after her cataract surgery. She was suffering from diminished vision due to this and was advised YAG laser capsulotomy - a special laser treatment used to improve your vision after cataract surgery. Her procedure was done on 08-09-2020 by Prof. Dr. Hassan Raza at Bakhtawer Amin Memorial Hospital. She remained admitted in the hospital for a day and was discharged in good health, resuming her everyday life.