Donate to Shazia Parveen for Her AV Fistula Formation
Shazia Parveen's Story
“Ever since my health started deteriorating, I have had to spend a lot on my treatment. One by one, I have sold off my valuable possessions; a few pieces of gold jewelry, some cattle that we owned. We don’t have any cash savings because whatever earning my husband brings in gets spent within a few days. I don’t have anything left anymore.” – Shazia Bibi
Shazia Parveen, 36 years old, has been suffering from kidney disease for the last 3 months. The symptoms started with persistent fever and vomiting for which she obtained a medical prescription from her doctor. When the medicines didn’t help, her condition was investigated further and diagnosed as nephrolithiasis (the presence of stones in the kidney). These stones caused significant damage to her kidney function.
Soon after diagnosis, Shazia started regular dialysis twice a week through an AV fistula on her arm, but the efficiency of dialysis wasn’t optimal through the fistula. She was then dialyzed through the neck temporarily. Consequently, she has now been advised to have a fistula made below her left elbow but having exhausted her resources on her previous procedures, she does not have the means for this procedure.
Shazia Bibi is the mother of two young sons, who are of school-going age. Her husband works as a daily-wage laborer to support his family, earning just 15,000 PKR/month. Sometimes, he also drives a rickshaw to augment his salary but it does not bring any significant increment. All of his earnings are spent on his family’s daily necessities, utility bills as well as rent (4000 PKR/month).
In order to proceed with dialysis, Shazia Bibi needs to have her AV fistula made as soon as possible and for that, she needs your donations. To support her, please consider contributing whatever you can to the medical cost of her procedure.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
john doe
Donated: $ 320.53
Haseeb Mansoor
Donated: $ 7
Shazia Parveen's Story
Shazia Parveen 36 years old lady was suffering from chronic renal failure for last three months. She was advised a left elbow AV fistula formation - an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein with which blood flows directly from an artery into a vein, bypassing some capillaries. Her surgery was done on 15-09-2020 by Dr. Ubaid Ullah at Akram Medical Complex. She remained admitted in the hospital for a day and had a smooth post-operative recovery. She was discharged in perfect health. Shazia Parveen has now resumed her normal life.