Donate to Shehnaz Yaqoob for Her Cholecystectomy
Shehnaz Yaqoob's Story
Shehnaz Yaqoob, 46 years old, has been suffering from pain in her right hypochondriac area along with vomiting and abdominal stretch for the last 12 years. She has been diagnosed with cholelithiasis (stones in the gallbladder) and doctors have advised her surgery to remove the gallbladder for permanent relief. Shehnaz’s symptoms have gotten much worse but despite visits to several doctors for free surgery, she received no response. On her own, it is impossible for her to pay for the surgery.
Shehnaz’s husband works as a laborer and gets paid around 500 PKR a day. On average, he earns 12,000-15,000 PKR a month. With four children to support, utility bills and other monthly household expenditures, it is very difficult for him to make ends meet. Shehnaz and her husband have not yet managed to save up enough to get her operation done and have hence approached Transparent Hands in the hope that her surgery can be conducted with your help.
Your donations to Shehnaz can help her find relief from constant pain. Every single contribution can make a difference!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Shehnaz Yaqoob's Story
46-year-old Shehnaz Yaqoob was diagnosed with symptomatic gallstones and was advised a cholecystectomy for it. She was admitted in Lahore Care hospital and her surgery was performed by Dr. Ahmad Fawad on 02.10.2020. She stayed in the hospital for three days and was discharged in a stable condition. The surgery has relieved Shehnaz of her abdominal pain.
“I had intense pain in my abdomen because of the gall stones. It led to weakness and lethargy. My household work was neglected because I felt so unwell.”- Shehnaz Yaqoob