Donate to Sufiyan Sultan for His Herniotomy
Sufiyan Sultan's Story
“Sufiyan loves to study and cannot wait to start school after the holidays. But normally when the school year starts, it gets difficult for him to concentrate on his classes because of constant pain. He has been experiencing it for so long now and we, as his parents, feel devastated that we cannot pay for our dear child’s treatment.” – Sufiyan’s mother.
9-year-old Sufiyan Sultan was only 5 years old when he was diagnosed with right inguinal hernia. Initially, he felt some pain in the groin region and took medicines for relief but after a few months, the pain increased. His parents immediately visited a hospital where the doctor advised surgery to fix the hernia- a right herniotomy.
Sufiyan’s father is a daily wage laborer who earns far less than his colleagues. This is because he lost fingers on both his hands in an unfortunate accident 15 years ago. His wife is the main breadwinner of the family and earns around 8000 PKR per month working in a thread factory. This, along with whatever little Sufyan’s father can bring home, is all the family has to sustain themselves. During one of the visits to a doctor, this couple learned about Transparent Hands and immediately reached out for help for their son.
Sufiyan’s parents are unable to pay for his operation but hope that you can find it in your heart to lend their little boy a hand.
Please donate to him for his surgery.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Launch Good
Donated: $ 311.39
Joddat Siddiq
Donated: $ 22.58
Sufiyan Sultan's Story
Sufiyan Sultan, 9 years old, was suffering from pain & swelling in his right inguinal area since the age of 5 years. His swelling was increasing. On assessment by a consultant, he was diagnosed with a right inguinal hernia and was advised surgery. His right inguinal herniotomy was done in Abid Hospital on 04-06-2020, by Dr. Faisal Usman. He was discharged after three days of stay in the hospital in a good condition.